Sick Dude! literally (JackxLars)

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*this was when they were in Antarctica.
Jack's POV
I wake up ready to get off this iceberg. I get up, but my head started pounding. I don't feel so good, I might be sick. Maybe Elliot won't be such a brat today. I get dressed and grab everything, but before I go I check my temperature. My head still hurts. The thermometer beeps to signal it was done. It read, 102. I go to the medicine cabinet and chug some cold syrup. Before I am even out of the door I start coughing and sneezing. Hoping Elliot will be nice and leave me alone I walk to the main building.

Everyone Else is already there and ready to go. I walk up to everyone and Elliot's lips curve into a smirk. "I must've been fast if I beat you here, Pretty Boy." He says. He girlfriend, and my colleague, Madi giggles at his comment like its actually funny. " Yeah well I didn't think you'd want to leave. Your so pale you would blend in with the snow outside. You'd have a pretty nice life,  no one would bother ya." I reply copying his smirk on his face. Just then Grace burst out laughing at my comment. Her laugh echoes in my head, making it throb. "Well Brains, ya got the system up and working?" I ask Elliot. (We both have many nicknames for each  other, but not all of them are appropriate) "Yea its up. Did you think that was going to be hard for me?" He asks "No of course not, you know everything in the whole entire universe" I reply, very sarcastically. "Are you two finished now? I swear you two act like little children." Carmen says. "Uh Carmen, I am the adult here. Elliot's the kid." I stated. "Oh really?! Pretty Boy, your the one who makes stupid puns like a child and laughs at every little thing." Elliot replies,  sharply. "Kid, I can break your other arm." Jonah interrupts,  clearly annoyed with our squabbling. "Alright alright Ill stop, but Archer started it." Elliot said blankly. "Elliot, be nice, for me alright? " Madi says "Only for you" he replies.  God, i'm so happy she stopped him. I mean I know I had part in starting the argument, but he's just so Annoying. All that arguing is making my head want to explode.    This is going to suck. Well, lets go to Argentina.

We get to our plane and Grace was utterly amazed. "Well Grace, you know it hasn't been that long since we've been on a plane. Has the cold been messing with your head?" Madi says, giggling. "Well being cooped up in a room for so long can make ya go a bit stir crazy." Grace replied, giggling as well. "Oh yea like in Russia on that train, being stuck there was a nightmare." Elliot replies,  smugly. "The faster we get off this iceberg the better! " I say happily. "Yeah but I don't want to leave the penguins. Their cute! :D " Sanjay says, with a huge smile on his face. Everyone else seemed to appreciate my idea and got in the plane. 

I got on the plane and headed to the control room. I am the only one of us who is certified to fly a plane. Grace walks up to me and says she will fly. "Oh Jack, I really don't mind. I learned how to fly a plane here because we use planes as transportation. The Bureau's plane is way nicer though." Grace replied. Me and her walk out and I say "You should suit up, it gets real rough flying.". "Oh alright."she replied. "Why does she have to suit up? I thought you were flying the plane Monsieur Archer." Dupont said. "I will fly the plane Mr.Dupont. I quite enjoy it. Is Madi on the plane? I may need to borrow something from her." Grace replied. "Oh she is near the back of the plane. She stays with Young Mister Elliot."Dupont says. "Oh alright"she says, and walks down to the back. I want to be alone for a while, so I followed her. We walk down the long walkway to see the girl were looking for in the midst of kissing her boyfriend.  "Madi?! Sorry if I'm interupting something, but do you still have that pilot gear from the murder of Walter Fairbanks?" Grace says this quietly, even blushing a bit. I stand there smirking, because I didn't want to look suspicious. "Grace?! Oh my gawd you scared me. Yeah I still have that hideous thing."Madi says this as she is pulling away from Elliot.  I hear her whisper that she'll be back and give him a bit extra. Well I might need to borrow sleeping pills from Jonah.

Madi gets up and looks for her suitcase. "I think its up there." Elliot points up to the rack above our heads. "Oh uh Archer could you help me get it? I'm a bit too short." Madi asks while blushing. "How did ya get it up there if you're too short?! Did you throw it up there?!" I exclaimed "yea.." she muttered. "Yeah you have a real good throwing arm." Elliot remarks. " Well your arms broken." I stated, raising an eyebrow. "Oh shut up " Elliot replies. "Don't you start." Madi remarks, giving me the death glare she gave Lars on the boat on SOMBRA Island. I step over the two and grab her suitcase. "Alright, that suit should be in here." Madi mumbled. She pulls out this black pilot uniform. "Um Madi, I thought that suit was tan."Grace says, shocked by the sight of the outfit.  " Oh I just gave it an upgrade." Madi replies. Grace slips it on and says this, "Hey this is super loose in the chest area." "Oh yeah that might be a possibility,  I have more cleavage than most girls. " she replied,  giggling as her face turns red. "Luv, your face is as red as a tomato. " Elliot said,  smirking. Grace gets ready and announced that we were ready for take off.  I sigh heavily as I grab a coffee and a box of tissues,  and collapse on the row of seats in the back. I hope I can get back to Lars soon.

We sat in the plane for 6 hours!  I tried sleeping, but failed. I mostly just was a mess of coughing and sneezing. I ran out of the plane, hugging the first tree I see. "What the bloody hell are you doing Pretty Boy?" Elliot asks me. "Uh, I haven't seen a tree in about a week, so I missed civilization." I reply. Elliot muttered something about me being strange and how everyone is weird on the team. Honestly I hate that little brats guts. All he does is give me headaches. I know he'd probably say the same thing about me, but it's true! Lars is standing there. "So what'd I miss?" He asks " Oh ya know a murder and one step closer to stopping SOMBRA!"Madi says triumphantly. "Well you seem happy about death. " Grace mutters."Well Grace, solving murders is my job, so I figured I should be optimistic about it. :D" Madi says smiling softly. "Well guys follow me! I know where HQ is!" Lars shouts, making my head throb. Wow, dude you sure are optimistic about your job.

It's been a crazy day. I lie on the bed, blowing my nose for the 20 millionth time. ""Hey bro." Lars says as he sits next to me. He then grabs the tissue box and puts it behind him. "Hey! I need that!" I whisper-shout. "Why?" Lars asks,  putting on an innocent face and tilting his head like a confused puppy. " Because I do." I say blankly.  "Sick, dude?" He asks. "Yea.." I mumble, putting my head on his chest. "Yeah your forehead feels warm. With all that sneezing your nose must hurt as well." He says. I groaned in response. "Yes dude, I feel like crap.", I managed to mumble. " Here let meh comfort ya mate."he says,  pushing our lips together. We stayed like this all night. I even felt slightly better the next day.

AN: I've decided to do a little miniseries. Just don't get 'sick' of it ;) LOL

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