Sweets [Szayel Apporo Granz One-shot]

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 “Yukiko, we've got another order coming in!” called out an all too familiar male voice.

 Blinking her blue eyes, Yukiko lifted her head along with the bag of flour she had been reaching for. Her boss, the male who had called her, was approaching with a slip of paper that Yukiko recognized. It was a receipt for their newest order and she smiled brightly.

 “Here you go. A dozen red velvets,” the man stated, sitting the receipt on the counter in front of her before walking off and getting back to work. As shimmers of excitement raced through her body, Yukiko sat the bag of flour down and brushed her hands off on her apron before reaching for the paper. Blue eyes skimmed over the black words, lightening with happiness.

 It was another order for the science division at her school. She never understood why they got so many orders from the science division, considering the students weren't allowed to eat in class, but she didn't care. There was a certain someone she loved seeing there, his pink hair and amber eyes only making him that much more attractive to her.

 Sighing at the thought of being able to see Szayel once more, she urged herself to get moving, grabbing a bakers box and putting in a dozen red velvet cupcakes, just like the order called for. Oddly, Szayel was the one who put in most of the orders from the science department, usually all for himself. He had never struck Yukiko as being one who enjoyed sweets. However, there was no way she was going to start complaining now.

 Once the sweets were arranged nicely inside of the box, Yukiko sealed it and stuck the receipt to the box with one of the stores stickers. It merely stated 'Thanks for ordering!' in a small sign being held by a chibi cupcake.

 Reaching behind her back, she untied her apron and hung it up before grabbing the box of cupcakes and heading out. The school was only a few blocks away, so Yukiko always decided to walk there instead of driving. It saved her gas and time from being stuck in traffic, something she really hated.

 Rather than taking her time, Yukiko walked as fast as she could without looking suspicious. She was excited at the chance to see Szayel; even though she shared classes with him, he never really talked all that much to anybody, not even her.

 Crossing a busy intersection, Yukiko was soon walking into the science building, keeping her box of cupcakes close. She was almost always ambushed by Grimmjow whenever she brought sweets. Why someone like the blue haired idiot was always hanging around the science division, she had no idea, and could only hope that he wasn't here today.

 Chatter soon reached her ears and Yukiko realized that classes had just let out. Sighing, she walked as close to the wall as possible, trying to keep herself from bumping into anyone else and ruining the cupcakes. She would hate for them to be ruined for whomever ordered them; she would seriously hate for them to be ruined if Szayel had been the one who had ordered them.

 A sudden, firm hand on her shoulder caused her to yelp, turning her head to look over her shoulder. A familiar face greeted her along with a warm smile.

 “You always bring sweets around the busiest times,” Szayel stated, an almost teasing tone to his voice. Yukiko smiled and shrugged.

 “Someone keeps putting them in around the busiest times of the day. It's no biggy,” she stated, watching as Szayel reached forward to grab the receipt, glancing over it before looking back at her.

 “Come on. The room you're looking for is this way,” he stated, waving at her to follow him as he walked off.

 Yukiko followed, watching as the other students seemed to step out of their way to let him by. It would make sense, after all; he was the science head in training, the brightest student in the building right now. Or pretty much any time of the day, she could bet.

 Following after him as fast as she could, Szayel eventually led her to what appeared to be an office. Looking over the door, she couldn't find any name tag or anything to state who this office belonged to. Frowning, she looked back at the receipt before gasping when she saw Szayel opening the door.

 “What are you doing? You can't just barge into someone else's office!” she whispered, although she still followed him inside.

 Szayel flipped on a light switch and began to make himself at home, sitting in the rolling chair and kicking his feet up on the desk. Yukiko walked forward and placed the cupcakes down on the desk.

 “Szayel, come on! We're going to get caught!” she stated, earning a grin from the pink haired male as he leaned forward, grabbing the box of cupcakes.

“It'll be alright Yukiko. I know the owner of this office personally,” he stated, suddenly opening the box and taking a cupcake out, biting into it as if they were his.

 Pouting, Yukiko quickly shut the office door before sitting down across from him. “I don't get why you're-”

 She suddenly trailed off, looking at the name plate on the desk. Her blue gaze returned to the male across from her, a slight glare to her features. “Why didn't you tell me this was your office!” she hissed, earning a shrug.

 “You never asked,” he stated simply, getting out of the chair. His tall form moved fluidly across the room towards a small refrigerator in the corner. Bending down, Szayel opened the door and pulled something out, carrying it back over to Yukiko.

 “Here,” he stated, sitting back in his chair and watched as the girl looked down at the box. Yukiko opened the box cautiously before simply staring at what was inside. It appeared to be a cake in the shape of a heart. The light pink icing contrasted with the black gel icing he had written the words 'Thank you' on the cake with. Blinking, she looked up at him.

 “Szayel, I...”

 “Think of it as a gift. And a thank you for bringing me so many sweets. It's a surprise I'm not supremely obese yet,” Szayel teased, leaning forward and reaching across the desk to tap her gently on her nose, getting her attention once more.

 “Besides, baking is sort of like chemistry, so I want to see if I did good,” he stated, handing her a fork he seemed to just conjure out of thin air.

 Yukiko blushed lightly as she took a small bite of the cake, smiling. It was a strawberry cake, her favorite. “Thank you,” she said softly, earning a shrug from Szayel.

 “It's the least I could do. Now, I've got a group to tutor, so until next time, my sweet,” he stated, walking around his desk and lightly kissing her temple before leaving her sitting in her chair, dumbfounded, with what had to be the most delicious cake ever perched in her lap.

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