Brief Glimpse [Naruto Uzumaki] 3

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It had all happened so suddenly. One moment, the Village Hidden in the Leaves was experiencing a peaceful day, not much unlike any other day before it. And then the next moment, that peace was shattered when six orange haired figures attacked the village. It had all happened so fast that there weren’t many who could do much to retaliate against them for the first critical moments.

[Name] was currently following the other women, children, sick and elderly through the underground tunnels to the evacuation center. Since [Name] had no ninja abilities, there was nothing that she could do to help. She would only be a burden to the ones who could truly protect the village, including Naruto. But then, she had no idea where Naruto was. She hadn’t seen him in a few days yet she had heard someone saying that he’d gone off to train somewhere, some mountain or other.

When loud booms echoed through the tunnels, the children screamed and everyone huddled closer together as they continued on their way. [Name] wrung her hands nervously; what she wouldn’t do to have some ninja abilities right now. Anything that would help to get her out of these tunnels and out there helping in the fight to save her home would be welcomed.

When they reached the center, a vast room built into the Hokage faces, she rushed to the window, which was actually a hole in one of the Hokage’s eyes. Squinting against the sun light, she looked down at the village. There were huge areas of destruction and fights going on everywhere.

However, the thing that caught her eye shortly after was what appeared to be something floating in the sky. Frowning, she looked towards it and could barely make out the outline of a man. And it wasn’t just any man; this was one of the orange haired men that had attacked her village.

‘What’s he going to do?’ she thought to herself as she bit her lip, watching as he continued to seemingly float in the air, spreading his arms wide. The next thing she was aware of was a loud booming sound, a cloud of dust and then there was nothing.

Coughing, waving at the dust that had somehow entered through the window, she waited for it to blow away before peeking outside once more. When she did so, she immediately gasped and tried to run out of the room.

“Where are you going!? You’re going to get yourself killed girl!” one of the guards growled, grabbing onto her arm.

“Please, you have to let me go! The village-“

The guard shut her up by pressing a firm hand over her mouth and glaring at her darkly. “We don’t need you frightening everyone here. We already know,” he said sadly.

‘Of course they already know. They’re ninja,’ she thought numbly to herself before nodding.

Slowly, as if he wasn’t sure that she would try to bolt again, the man let her arm go. Walking over to a nearby wall, [Name] leaned back against it before sliding down to the floor and wrapping her arms around her knees, whimpering to herself.

What had that orange haired man done? One moment the village was there and the next, it had been completely wiped out. How many people were dead, injured? Where was Naruto? Shaking those thoughts off, she shut her eyes and willed that the blonde would show up soon. She knew that Naruto would know what to do and even if he didn’t know what to do, he would at least be able to help those that had survived the man’s strange jutsu in defeating him.

The villagers around her began to mumble. Of course, some of them were ninja as well. She could catch slight snatches of their conversations, some saying that the Leaf Village was destroyed and everyone here was next. Some were telling the others not to panic, that the Hokage would defeat this enemy and save them all.

[Name] wasn’t worried about the others in the room, as terrible as that sounded. What she was worried about was Naruto. These men were, apparently, a part of the Akatsuki and she knew what the Akatsuki were after. Naruto had told her everything about it; what she didn’t understand is why would these men destroy the whole entire village just to get to the Nine Tailed fox?

‘Naruto, where are you?’ she thought to herself once more, squeezing her eyes tightly shut as tears threatened to well up in them. She was hoping for the best and planning for the worst. If Naruto had been one of the causalities, if he’d been in the village when the men attacked, then [Name] wouldn’t know what she would do.

All she could really do was wait until they were let out of this evacuation room to find out. And time, patience, had never been one of her stronger suits. She willed herself to stay put so that she wouldn’t try to rush from the room once more, knowing that she’d only cause more trouble than she was worth. She was biding her time for her blonde boyfriend, her savior in her eyes, to show up and make all of this better.

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