Showing You [Shiki Senri Drabble]

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“If I kiss you where it hurts, will it feel better? Will you feel anything at all?”

Senri’s lightly-tinted blue eyes flicked over the [color] skin of [Name] as she stood before him, her arms crossed insecurely over her flat stomach underneath her Day Class uniform. [Name] was no vampire, not a Nigh Class student, a forbidden fruit for Senri. It was something he was both ashamed and proud of; for some reason, he loved the human standing in front of him unconditionally, more so than he believed he loved anyone else in his life.

When Senri took a step towards [Name], she blinked her wide [color] eyes and stared up at him. “Senri…”

“What is on your mind [Name]?” he asked her curiously, walking behind her and trailing his fingers over her [color] neck, ignoring the smell of her blood as it ran through her veins. Senri refused to drink from her; it was something that he would never do to her. He would never force that trauma onto her.

[Name] swallowed visibly, glancing at Senri over her shoulder. “I need to know something Senri,” she stated softly. Senri continued to stare at her, his mahogany hair hanging down over his forehead. “What is it?” he questioned when [Name] didn’t elaborate further.

“Do you love me as much as I love you Senri?” she whispered softly, so soft that normal human ears wouldn’t have been able to pick her words up.

“If I told you yes, would you believe me?” he asked her curiously, leaning down to press his lips near her ear. [Name] shivered lightly before she answered him. “I would want to,” she stated.

“Then let me show you,” he told her, taking her shoulders and turning her around to face him gently, pressing his lips to hers in a soft kiss, knowing that it would take time to fix the worries in her head and the insecurity in her heart. But Senri knew that he could do it, because he loved her more than she would or could ever know.

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