First Kiss

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Here is a poem that I really like that I wrote. It started out as my English assignment but then it really took off. Not many people really got all of it so I'm going to explain a little. :) This is sad and it is a tragedy. The black envelope means like a funeral invitation or news that her love had died which came in the mail. Maybe no one wanted to tell it to her in person. When she asks the person to open it, she means the casket. She is at his funeral, and she kisses his dead lips. Some people didn't get that. :D Please vote and comment. :) I love hearing what people think. :D

First Kiss

There is a strangeness

That comes from

The first kiss,

That no one forgets.

It is like a flame

In the middle of winter

That ceases to go out...

Everybody's first kiss

Is different,

And is remembered


I remember mine,

Which I bet is like no other,

I have never kissed anybody

Ever since...

I was in love,

No older than a teenager

He was perfect to me

In every way,

We were always going to be together

That much we were sure of,

So the shock that I had

When arriving one day;

A letter in a black envelope

Was like no other...

Nearly driving me insane,

I cut my long admired hair

With the kitchen scissors,

I locked myself,

I talked to no one,

I yelled and I screamed

In the middle of the night,

Nothing made sense,

I cried...

Twice I was sent to the hospital

For my arms, wrists and neck,

Bled from the pain

I repeatedly tried to

To make physical

Instead of emotional,

And all this happened

In five days;

In the sixth day

I was able to think more clearly

Throughout my pain,

Which never truly went away...

In the seventh day

I did not cry,

I did not smile,

My hair was cut short,

My arms and neck were bandaged,

Nobody expected me

And quite noticeable I was,

Who like them did not wear black,

I wore the brightest blue,

Blue like his eyes...

Who would forever remain shut,

And no one got in my way

As I walked to him,

"Open it" I demanded,

Nobody moved...

"Open it" I again demanded

My voice louder and yet firm

Two man I did not recognize

And yet remembered

Came forward and unlatched it,

Then lifted the lid

And there he was

Like an angel in an endless sleep...

I walked closer,

Nobody yet stopped me,

I raised my hand

And touched his face...

He was cold,

But I did not mind,

I slowly bent over

And for the first time

I kissed his lips,

His ice cold lips...

And since then,

I have kissed no one else...

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