Chapter Thirty Five: Sick

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It's been about two weeks since me, Riley, our family, Chris and his family all came home from Disney and the whole Elena thing too. Which I'm still beyond mad about because she just had to come over and have her so called 'little chat' with me and ruin my day that day. 

I've been trying to forget all that though, and not focus on it because I don't want negative things like that in my life. Chris has been helping me not think about it either by just making me happy and taking me out on a couple of really romantic dates too after we got back. Which one of them was too a really nice restaurant, where there was live music and couples could dance too thanks to there being a nice size dance floor there. 

I really enjoyed that one because after dinner I got to spend the rest of the nigh dancing with Chris and being held close to him in his arms as he whispered sweet things into my ear and hummed along to the songs playing as well. And in all it was just a really fun but very romantic night with him. 
"Mommy!!" Riley shouts from her room down the hall, immediately waking me up from my sleep. 

I groan at that a bit as I roll over onto my back before looking at the time and curing to myself after I see that it's only 3:30 in the morning. 

Why is she up so early??

"Mommy!!" Riley shouts again. But this time it's followed by a dry scratchy cough and then a few loud gags. 

Concern and worry washed right over me at that as I quickly jump out of bed and make my way to Riley's room to see what's wrong. 

"Riley!?" I shout a bit as I rush into her room and quickly turn on the lights so I can see. 

I feel my eyes widen a bit after I see Riley looking a little pale but also very sick as she sits up in bed with a bit of snot coming out of her nose and throw up on both corners of her mouth. While there's a good size puddle of it on the floor next to her bed. 

"Are you okay sweetie?" I ask as I quickly walk over to the other side of Riley's bed and sit next to her on it. 

Riley quickly shakes her head. "No, I woke up to my tummy really hurting me and I was going to go to the bathroom but I threw up before I could. I'm sorry, Mommy" Riley says as she looks up at me  with a sheepish look. 

"You don't have to be sorry about that sweetheart, accidents happens" I say as I wrap my arms around Riley and pull her closer to me. Not even caring about the snot or the throw up. But I flinch a little at how hot she feels. 

Riley looks up and smiles at me before she lets out a little groan and hunches over in my arms a bit. 

"Do you feel like you're going to throw up again, sweetie?" I ask as I rub circles on her back with my hand. 

"Mhm" Riley mumbles followed by another little groan. 

I frown at that a little because I hate seeing my little girl like this before I scoop her up in my arms and quickly carry her to my bathroom just in case she needs it if her stomach decides to turn again. 

And she did, about a few minutes after I got her to the bathroom and sat down next to her as she leaned over the toilet, her stomach decided to get upset once again. 

Thankfully I held her hair back for her so nothing got into it and I had a wet wash cloth to wipe the gross stuff off of her mouth and nose. 

"Feel any better, Riley?" I ask as I comb some of her hair back while wiping her mouth and nose clean. 

"No, my tummy still hurts and now my head hurts too and my nose feels stuffy" Riley says as she looks at me with an upset look while I put the back of my hand against her forehead and feel that her skin has gotten a bit hotter. 

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