Chapter Three: Sledding Accident

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*Ariana's P.O.V*

"Am I going crazy or do I see Chris and Scott Evans right there?" Dad asked with a big smiled once we got to the top of the hill.

Chris and Scott laughed at that before smiling at Dad. "It's us Micheal."

"Well then in that case good to see you boys" Dad said as he walked over to Chris and Scott to give them a big hug.

"Like wise" Chris and Scott said-but not at the same time- as they hugged my dad.

"And who are these adorable little boys?" Dad asked as he smiled at Chris and Scott's nephews.

"These are our nephews. They're Carly's kids and the oldest one is Ethan and the youngest one is Miles" Chris explained.

"Very nice to meet you boys. I'm Micheal I knew you're uncles when they were little thanks to my kids being friends with them" Dad explained.

Ethan and Miles both smiled at my dad before saying hi to him him. Then after that we all started to go sledding.
*Half an hour later*
"Hey Ariana remember this trick?" Chris asked as he stood on the sled making it look like he was about to go snow boarding.

I rolled my eyes at that before crossing my arms on top of my chest. "I do, but don't do it. Not unless you want to get a concussion from it....again."

Yeah let's just say that Chris tried sledding down a hill like that before when we were younger and id didn't go well for him. And you can probably already guess what happened.

Chris scuffed at that. "Oh come on Ariana lighten up a bit. And who knows I could actually do it this time."

"But what if you can't? Then what?" I asked.

"We'll just have to see then" Chris said with a light smirk before taking off down the hill.

"IDIOT!!" I shouted.

I heard Chris laugh at that before I soon saw him fall face first off the sled and soon go tumbling down the hill.

Tried to warn him that, that could if he did or tried to do the trick again.

Even though I tried to warn Chris that he could get hurst I still got concerned and soon found myself running down to see if he was all right.

"Chris are you okay?" I asked as I knelt down next to Chris when I got down to him.

Chris let out a groan of pain before sitting up a bit. "Yeah....I think so, but I think I hurt my wrist."

"Well let my dad look at it thanks to him being a doctor after all" I said with a light smile.

Chris lightly chuckled at that and smiled at me before letting my dad look at his wrist.

"Well it doesn't look or feel broken, maybe just a sprain. want me to give you a arm brace just incase?" Dad asked.

"Sure" Chris said.

"Then let's get you to Ariana's car then" Dad said as he got up.

"Wait you keep and arm brace in my car dad?" I asked as I frowned and eyebrow in confusion at that.

"Yeah, gotta be prepared for anything no matter what Ariana" Dad stated.

I was about to say something but decided not too. So I just kept quiet and helped Chris up before leading him and everyone else to my car. When we all got to my car dad opened up the back and took out the arm brace before putting it on Chris' arm after Chris took off his glove and rolled up his sleeve.

"Now you might just have to wear the brace for a few days since the sprains not that bad. But besides that you should be just fine" Dad explained.

"Okay, and thanks Micheal" Chris said as he smiled at my dad.

"No problem son" Dad said as he smiled back at Chris.

Chris smiled at my dad again. "Uh, would you guys like to come over our house for some hot chocolate?"

Riley let out an excited gasp before smiling nice and big at me. "Can we mommy?"

I smiled at her before looking at Chris and smiling at him. "Sure why not."

"Yay!!"Riley shouted in excitement making everyone laugh a bit and Chris smile at me.

"Then in that case let's get going" Chris said with a big smile.

I smiled at that before we all hoped into our cars and started to head towards Chris' mom's house for hot chocolate.

A/N) Hope you guys are liking this story so far :)      

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