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A picture of me up above because why the fuck not

Okay! Thank you to everyone who sent in some questions!

t4ns0800ks asks: How did you get into the Klance fandom? Or the Voltron fandom in general?

Actually, my dad introduced it to me! One day we were home alone and he was like 'you gotta watch this I feel like you would like it' and boy howdy he was right. As for Klance, I think I really started shipping it when Keith had these soft eyes and went 'hey, Lance! I got your lion back' because they both looked so in love??? I don't understand???

sos_stn asks: Will you marry me?

Swiggidy swing you get the ring and we'll do the thing

vani-alderona asks: If you had a chance to be a paladin of Voltron, would you?

Fuck yeah. I actually took the quiz and I would be the black paladin! I mentioned this to my dad and I was like:

Me: I can't be the black paladin! I can't lead people! I don't even like people!

Dad: Okay, but you would be a good leader.

Me: Have you met me? I don't have the confidence.

Dad: So, you're telling me, that you wouldn't have the confidence to tell an alien race to gather their things and hide because Zarkon is coming?

Me: Exactly!

Dad: Okay, first of all, no because you would be piloting the black lion! You'd land on this planet and remember, you pilot the fucking black lion! A giant lion that leads the greatest defender in the universe! you would swag walk out and be like "LISTEN UP MOTHERFUCKER! ZARKON IS COMING GATHER YOUR FUCKING THINGS AND HIDE IN A CAVE WHILE WE FIGHT HIM OFF.

randomcointoll asks: In which way do you most often eat potatoes?

Baked, although I prefer French Fries.

hexyah asks: If you could be in any book\tv show, what would it be? Why did you decide to write this book?

honestly, if probably poof on into the 'community' tv show. And I decided to write this book because I wanted to contribute to the fandom.

baby_aint_got_back asks: If you could snap your fingers and turn into any character, who would it be and why?

Alex Fierro because she is my hero and she can shape-shift, so I would assume i'd have her powers, so I could be the ultimate cosplayer.

Skye_Sorceress asks: Where do you get your prompt ideas?

Sometimes I'll get inspired by some posts I found online, or a line in a tv show. Most times, I just think of them on the fly and pray they turn out okay.

@Umbra-demon asks: what's your favorite one-shot in this book?

Definitely my 'texts' because they're fun to write and pretty quick!

norelic asks: What's your favorite music genre?

I'm not actually sure? I like a mix of different kinds of songs. I'll list a few of my favorites and you can decided if it's a genre of not.

Camp camp song song
Wolf in sheep's clothing
I'm just your problem

Wolflover1889 asks: Do you like reading and if you do, if you could enter your favorite book and meet all the characters, would you?

Yes, I do enjoy reading! And I would be so fucking down for that, man. ALEX FIERRO AND MAGNUS CHASE HERE I COME! 

@xitalicsal asks: Who would you become best bids with in Voltron?

Probably Lance and Coran. I like to think we'd go around pranking everyone in the castle and giggling for hours on end.

@246emem asks: Do you watch anime? If so, what's your favorite?

I occasionally watch anime! My personal favorites are 'kiss him not me', 'Yuri!!! On ice', and 'sword art online'

@FormVoltrain asks: Is it really everyday, bro?

I'm not sure what you're referring to, but probably.

This was actually pretty fun! I might do it again at some point. Again, thank you everyone who sent in questions and sorry if I couldn't get them all!

Stay awesome fabulous t-rexs!

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