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-smiles excitedly- okay! heyyyy its me Brit and today we have a special guest! give it up for the one! the only! -yells- TATIANA THUMBTZEN!!!!!!!

T: *giggles, waves* hi!

B: its SOOO great to have you Tatiana! your one of my favorite models!

T: *blushes* aww thank you!

B: your welcome! so your sister has been recently hospitalized hows that feel? -hands you microphone.

T: *sighs* well it hurts alont, becuase i was there with her. i saw it happen.

-crowed gasps-

T: *nods* it was scary, i was frozen when i saw her j-just so much blood *shakes head* she kept saying goodbye im not going to make it. and Randy oh god i felt so bad for him he was freaking out. *sighs* it was really crazy.

B: *nods* yeah, but hows she doing now?

T: shes doing okay, she can talk now *giggles* shes happy about that she can eat! shes really excited about that!

B: -laughs- i bet she is! so -clears throat- i asked her this while she was here so what kind of relationship would you say you two have?

T: *smiles* well, we talk alot about things guys..

B: Randy? -giggles-

T: *nods and laughs* yes about Randy! she litterally busted into my house screaming Tat! tat! *giggles* and i go what is it? she had the bigest smile on her face! she couldnt stop squealing i could barely understand! *laughs* then i got her to calm down and she says Tat, i asked him out and he said yes! i was just so happy for her! *smiles* she really likes him.

B: -giggles- okay so lets talk more about you instead of your sister! how does it feel to be able to work with the Michael Jackson?

T: *giggles*  Michaels a really nice guy.

B: and? have you guys ever gone out on a date?

T: *laughs* oh no! hes engaged!

B: but if he wasnt?

T: *blushes giggles* no not even then, me and him keep things only professional!

B: -nods and smiles- i bet you were really excited when you got the job in the way you make me feel wernt you?

T: *nods, smiles* My manager had called to tell me i had got a job in a music video, i just didnt know whos. then i had got to the set and i was getting into makeup, and i saw him in the door way. i had a heart attack! *giggles* i was really surprised! 

B: -laughs- i would be too! how was it on set?

T: it was really fun! *giggles* i remember this one time, i had to crawl through this old car and my foot had got stuck! and Michaels trying to pull it out -laughs- and then finnally! i got out, and i endedn up falling on my butt!

B: -giggles- oh wow!

T: *giggles* yeah, and Michaels such a gentlemen he just *laughs* oh gosh he just whipes the dirt of my butt and they kept yelling keep rolling keep rolling! *giggles* i had alot of fun!

B: -looks at the camera- okay guys thats it for todays episode but for todays clip were going to be showing, well what other than Michael Jacksons The Way You Make Me Feel! -giggles-

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