Woah one at a time!

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-smiles- hey guys its me Brit comming at ya with Whats Up in Hollywood! okay first for starters whats going on?!? like seriously! about six Lopes children showed up yesterday and all of the ones ive seen claimed to have been Miss Jo Lopes's! I wonder how she feels about all of these kids popping out of nowhwere! Jo had said on a status earlier, i say yet unquote, "I seriously feel like someone is messing with me" (or something around the lines of that) but is it about the Children popping up or no?

Okay so now to power couple Chris Brown and Aaliyah! so someone in fact has confirmed a pregnancy! yay! -squeals- but the question is: why arnt they very open about it? like its not a bad thing! its a beautiful thing!

And now the scoop on Wide Reciver Andre Rison and miss young Lisa "Left eye" Lopes... 

did they break up? earlier Andre had updated his status to (unquote) "Watching TV not thinking about you #Backtosinglife" But the confusing part is both of their pages say they are still together...so did they in fact break up at some point and get back together? all i have to say is one, so you decided to go out with the younger verison of the women who burnt your house down? -laughs- lawd you better hope you dont screw this up! not only will you might get burnt but then, what other Lisas are there left! -giggles like a baby- but i hope they get married!

okay next i decided to add two concidering i did this after the preview was aired. Is 27 year old Tatiana Thumbtzen scared to grow old? her status update says and i quote:  "*groans* sombody said i sound like my mother! im not that old! im only turning 28"

thats not necissarilly saying shes scared but i stopped by to ask and heres what she had to say -reads aloud- "I mean yes, i am a little becuase i dont know how i would look in the future...like what if it effects my carrer?" -chuckles- no honey its not -points to picture on the side.

okay next this ones about the press: ive seen SO many press deciding to be good or firing their "evil" reporters! -squeals- yay thats amazing! -holds head high- i feel awesome that no ones done that until -points to myself- came in! -giggles- okay well thats it for this episode of Whats up in Hollywood! and our clip today is Chris Brown Featuring Aaliyah in Dont Think They Know.

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