Secret Marriges and Machetes

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Heeeeyyy guys! its me Alexandra commin back atcha with another episode of whats up in hollywood!

okay, here it is Ive recently got an anonymous tip from someone about a certain singer and our certain host of the PCA's lets take a look

-plays tape, persons face unseen, voice edited to sound different-

*shows you pictures* Armani Rodriguez and (Older) Aaliyah Haughton eloped a week or two ago during her Rock the Boat video shoot in the Bahamas and got her *coughs* pregnant from a one night stand months ago. But I didn't tell you this *sighs*

-tape ends-

well daaaagggg! thats crazy!

next we have Natasha Thumbtzen, so her and boyfriend Randy Jackson have been going out for atleast a month now, and are they already making plans to get married?

i sure hope not! atleast after his ex thaught the WERE engaged and had a mechete ready! ouch! Nat replied back at that by saying: "So, if he DID propose you were gonna chop ma head of with a machette? well daymn love you too...

-out of rp- sorry to cut it shot today guys i gotta get to school!

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