I do's? and I donts!

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-smiles- Hey guys Brit here with another great episode of Whats up in hollywood!


Urban Culture Media

The Tabloid company posted a story about legendary female rapper Lisa ‘’Left Eye’’ Lopes

accusing her of cheating on her husband with another fellow Legend Michael Jackson {Not nats mike} after that aired some fellow celebrities came out to defend the rap artist


Brooke Sheilds: You lying ass motherfucker!! You're set on making Lisa and Brandon look bad like you have a fucking purpose to break them up. Being close friends and being a couple is a completely different things, and the shit you said Brandon said...just, no. You have too much fucking time on your hands, aren't you a college student? I don't know how, you're a stupid ass fucker that needs to reevaluate everything about yourself and your high ass ego. Step off that little pedastal you put yourself on because no one can believe your lies for too long. (:


Jade from Little Mix better known as Natasha Thumbtzen:


ya'll are on some straight up bullshit like seriously comparing Lisa To Alejandra and callin her a fucking gold digger! um no honey Alejandra is the gold digger she fucked Jermaine in her and Randys house! AND hes kids with both! If anything Im more like Alejandra! I aint proud of it but I am! so! I aint a bad person -.- *walks off mb, mumbles* Stupid niggas..



Lisa hasnt came out and said anything but we will keep you guys posted!


Little Mix:

The british girl group had a concert Last Night and Sang their hit Good enough and Jade {Nat T.} seemed a bit emotional, but what was wrong with her? I guess Her and Future Hubby Michael Jackson had an argument and he had told her “Id Rather be with Tatiana than you.”

-gasps- but thats her sister!!!

so the question is will the wedding bells chime or nah?


Jade and Randy: aw Jandy thats better than Rat, good thing Nat changed anons. anyways, the pair were spotted hugging -shows picture- So maybe shes looking for comfort from her ex boyfriend and you know how that ends. -coughs- on night stands! -coughs- And since Randy is practically a sperm donor maybe baby Jeremiah will have a full brother or sister! -claps- aww!


Honey Cocaine and Blac Chyna:

so the two are getting qute close after Chyna and Tyga split, but maybe too close? Honey Cocaine is rumored to be bisextual! but maybe their in a lesbian relationship. I wouldn't blame her after having like 5 kids and sleeping with Randy Jackson  -chuckles-

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