Wow...Just wow...

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-out of rp- sorry ive been gone for so long… my computer broke so it took like Forever to fix and then I got grounded for a month because I broke it.


-back in rp-

-Smiles- what's up Hollywood? Alexandra here with some exclusive news on your favorite Hollywood celebs, and a even more exclusive interview with a certain singer/ model/ dancer/ probably something else, does that girl sleep?? like really??… (beware some of this news is old)

We ‘R’ Charm vs Nlyss


Last I heard the two girl groups are in a feud due to some kind of resentment agenst to eachother.

Nlyss Is made up of three girls Taty, Kori and Syd which Tatyana and Sydney are both ech members of We ‘R’ Charm,  but the question is: why? what could have gone wrong?


Natasha Thumbtzen and Randy Jackson:


So, the story is the pair had split up -crowed awws-

but why? well apparently Natasha had faked her death! -gasps-

wow. did not see that coming… Speaking of which we have Natasha in the studio with us but first lets take a look at where Natasha was about a month ago (or when ever her and Randy were still together)


-plays tape-


A: So, I heard you Just had a baby?

N: *giggles* mmhm! its a boy and his name Is Jeremiah…

A: So, how are your and Randy doing?

N: pretty good actually, some days are worse than others but everythings alright….I guess…

A: Have you talked to you know who at all?

N: *shakes head* nope, and a really dont plan to considering the last time i say here i wanted to claw her face out *Chuckles*

A: Oh, That makes sense… -nods-  so, You and Cloe Lynn had recorded a cover on Miley Cyrus's FU and you sounded very emotional while recording it, why?

N: umm *giggles* Well yeah, It had been like two days after everything with Brooke and Randy had went down and I was still extreamly pissed off and me and her were going to record the song anyways but i thought this had been the best time to becuase I was actually feeling that way at the time, *Laughs* After we were done in the video I kicked the microphone down and broke it xD...I had to pay ALOT to get that fixed…


A: -chuckles- I can Imagine you seemed pretty heated.

N: *Nods* Oh I was! I was crying and everything i was a serious mess, but I look back and cant help but laugh my ass of.. *laughs*

A: So, In your rant book you pretty much just told how you felt about everything.

N: yup!

A: what made you come out and say all of that?

N: *sighs* I was talking to Michael and My brother Harold and Harold and Michael had both been telling me ‘Nat, If you feel like hes still cheating why are you still with him?’

A: and what did you say?

N: I said because I love him, and Harold was like: but you have that gut feeling just like last time and he was cheating on you..” i just shook my head and sighed because I knew that was true and I don't want that to happen again so I just let it all out, got everything off of my chest and Bri was just standing there clapping and she texted me saying its about time you said something!

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