cheater? or lier? or both?!?

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-smiles- heyy guys! its me Britt! comming at you with aother great episode of whats up in Hollywood!

okay so today our tpic is cheaters, the first one we have on our list is miss Natasha Thumbtzen -crowed gasps- Yes, yes -nods- unfortunantly the model was my friend, and she had confessed that she had cheated on her boyfriend Randy Jackson, not once but twice! with to different people! -crowd boos- yeah, she said she cheated with Paul Maccartney, and even his brother Jermaine! -gasps- and now shes pregnant! -jaw drops- her and Paul Maccartney were spotted together just this morning! -shows picture- i think she needs thot spay for herself!

and now for Michael Jacksons Fiancee and Prince, Michael Jackson and his fiancee well, are getting married. but is there a possibility that her and Prince have their own little love affair? The man himself admitted to creating a sex tape! -crowed gasps- whats with the Jacksons being cheated on?!?

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