Natasha Thumbtzen

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-smiles- today i also got a chance to interview model and dancer Natasha Thumbtzen, she came by to talk about how it feels to have Tatiana as a sister and how her fame has changed not only Tatiana, but herself.

-plays tape-

AH: -smiles- Hi Natasha!

NT: *smiles wide* hi!

AH: how are you?

NT: im doing great! its my first interview so im very nerous...

AH: well dont be it will be fine! -smiles- okay, so how does it feel to have Tatiana as a big sister?

NT: its great! shes such a good person to talk to and to just get advice from, wheather its on boys or dancing....just anything *smiles*

AH: speaking of boys! do you have a special someone? -smiles-

NT: *giggles* No...not currently, but there is someone that im crushing on...

AH: oooo who? 

NT: *giggles* i cant say....but he knows who he is tho!

AH: well who ever he is, is lucky! you are very pretty! -smiles-

NT: thank you! *smiles wide*

AH: so you have twins right?

NT: *nods head* Mmhm Janessa and Jaylen *smiles*

AH: whats it like to have two little ones running around?

NT: well *chuckles* its a challange it really is, but i have my friends and family to help me out so im good.

AH: so, in your book life as nat it says your living in your sisters shadow. what do you mean by that?

NT: *sighs* what i mean is, theres lost of people out there, mostly guys there all like *guy voice* natasha your so beautiful, nat i love you. and then theres this: "so wheres tatiana?" then all they eva do is talk, and talk about tatiana. and everyone expects me to be like her....but im not, im like me, not Tatiana.

AH: -nods- i see, hows your career going? i see your also a model at IMGmodels.

NT: yeah, its doing great! lots of shoots going on for me from different modeling companies but, its been a blast! 

AH: -smiles- im glad to hear that, well thats all the time we have left, but it was great talking to you Natasha -shakes your hand-

NT: thanks for having me! *smiles*

-end of tape- 

Natasha Thumbtzen everybody! -smiles and claps-

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