Bunnies, Tours, depressing love songs and girl groups

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-smiles- hey guys its me Alex coming at ya with another episode of what's up hollywood.



Girl group NSC had released a song called  no one hurts me more than you, written by the N in NSC, Natasha Thumbtzen In the Lyrics it says:

‘’I wont block you or delete you, I'm going to keep you around so you can see how happy I am without you..’’

Could this be a Shout out to ex boyfriend Randy Jackson? hmmm

Sabrina Jade : Singer Sabrina Jade who puts the S in NSC had a few words to say about the fued between girl groups Nlyss and We ‘R’ Charm:

‘’This whole Rivalry between We 'R' Charm and Nlyss is stupid like the girls of Nlyss are ''Have beens" of charm for a reason revenge is not what musics about like seriously grow up..’’

and Natasha came up saying ''team Charm all the way!'' I there a possiblity that Nlyss has some more enemies?

Blac Chyna and Tyga:


So the two had been spotted -gasps- at the playboy mansion!?!?

home of the sexy bunnies! -shivers-

Random fact, Supermodel Natasha Thumbtzen had been called by playboy to model for them, she turned them down though, thats probably a good thing.

Natasha Thumbtzen:


After the airing of the last episode of what's up in Hollywood the blonde haired beauty had aired an emotional video about her relationship with new Boyfriend Michael Jackson. lets take a look.


-plays tape-


*looks at camera with tears in my eyes* For once I'm actually genuinely happy and I get put down for it...I tried telling Michael no when he asked me out but I couldnt! Hes the first guy that could make me extremely happy since Randy and I know thats a fucked up thing to say but Its the truth! Im not Alejandra I didnt cheat on anyone I didn't sleep with someone behind anyones back. I have nothing to hide! *Looks down and cries* I just want to be happy but I can't even be that because of my past relationships coming back to haunt me, and people keep saying Im a gold digger and Im not! I have my own money okay? Ive never, NEVER asked anyone for money, and I never will! And No Michael Is not Janessa and Jaylens biological dad, they consider him a father figure and Michael sees them as his kids….half of the people that say stuff about be dont know SHIT about me so just back off and leave me alone before you make me do something I regret… *Looks at wrist* Oh wait...you already did *Holds wrists up* Goodbye…


-tape ends-


wow, -chuckles nervously- Okay, rumors went flying that, the video was a suicide video,

but she set all those rumors to rest after posting NSC’s latest song, which we mentioned earlier

lastly, Michael Jackson


King of pop Michael Jackson has announced to E! that he will be going on his much anticipated Dangerous Tour soon. and Yesterday he had been Interview by Oprah Winfrey and Only we have the outtakes! so, if you look up in the corner you'll be able to view the video.


Im Alex and Ill see you next time on, What's up in hollywood!

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