Shania Lopes

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i was honored to get to talk to, who i think can be a future Lisa Lopes,  Recording artist at BadAkktor_Records miss Shania Lopes! lets take a look at that!

*plays tape*

SL: im here for the interview.

AH: -smiles- great. so i heard you have droped your first mix tape a while ago, are you currently working on a new one?

SL: Yes I did just drop my first mixtape. And yes I'm currently working on a new mixtape.

AH: -smiles- and im sure your fans will be looking forward to that, so a little while back there was rumors floating around about your mom Lisa Lopes and Andre Rison. what do you have to say about those crazy rumors?

SL: Well the rumors was Jesus I have no words. I guess reporters wanted their story so they used my mom and Andre to get their stories. And with my mom creeping with Andre. That would never happened because, one she never really believed in creeping so I wouldn't believe that she would actually do something like that. And then the baby rumor, that wasn't even true from the beginning so I don't even know how they just got a baby rumor out of nowhere.

AH: -nods- it seems as if everytime i read their post's its always about your family.

SL: Yeah, my familia stays in the media all the time.

AH: -shakes head- its quite sad really.

SL: It really so, but it's that price to fame.

AH: mmhm. so, i saw your working with IMGmodels? how is that going for you?

SL: This is my first time modeling, so it's going pretty good.

AH: -smiles- where do you expect your over all career to be at in the future?

SL: *laughs* that's kinda hard to explain. But I expect to be making music still. Making my fans happy, and keep moving forward.

AH: -smiles- hopefully we have a future Lisa Lopes here! -giggles-

SL: Yeah hopefully. *smiles*

AH: -smiles- okay Miss Lopes, thats all the time we have! ill post this interveiw asap! it was nice talking to you -shakes your hand-

SL: It was nice talking too you also. *shakes your hand*

-tape ends-

that was Miss Shania Lopes everybody! -claps-

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