Drugs and love

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Hey guys I'm back with another drama filled episode of what's up in Hollywood! So let's get started shall we? -chuckles-

Brooke Shields:

Beautiful model or obsessive bitch?

Hm, well rumor has it that she still has a thing for ex husband Randy Jackson, she wants him back so bad that she made over five accounts just to attempt to get him back!

Michael Jackson (@-MichaelJJackson-) and Jade Thirlwall:

The big question is, why did the two split so suddenly?  Well Jade finally spoke out and explained to use why,

-plays tape-

*sighs* Michael beat me, there I said it, he used to constantly beat me senseless. *looks down* I'd always think it was all my fault. Even after the divorce. We tried getting back together,  long story short I ended up getting pregnant,  he beat me once again killing our child so now I have a retraining order agents him. *smiles sweetly*

-tape ends-

Wow. Just wow.

Okay, moving on.

Randy Jackson an Ariana Grande:

True or false? Does Randy Jackson have a thing for Ariana? False. He has a creepy thing for her! He rumor has it that he tried seducing her! But wait. Isn't that his daughter in law? Yupo!  But I guess the heart wants what the mind or dick. Can't have. -laughs-


Close sources tell me that she's quite the whore,  and she just uses her boyfriend for sex. Wow. Now wonder in Jades bio their twins they seem pretty alike to me.

Michael Jackson (@IMichaelJackson) and Tatiana Thumbtzen:

Rumors surfaced earlier that these two have been secretly sleeping together but is it true? Here's what her little sister Jade had to say about it.

-plays tape-

*shrugs* ion know! And if I did know I wouldn't tell you shit -.-

-tape ends-

Yeah, no one knows! But the two have been spotted together a couple of times being pretty flirtatious towards eachother.

Jade Thirlwall:

Little mixes Jade Thirlwall is now dating a drug dealer!? Wow. So that's were she gets her fixes from.



I need some people to help me get more stories, juicy ones, pm me about it and  we can talk.

Okay, well looks like that's it, stay tooned tomorrow for Perrie Edwards interview!  Okay, bye guys, I here by send you off with. Non other that little mix's they just don't know you.

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