breakups? makeups? and kids?

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-smiles- Hey guys its me Alex coming at you with a new episode of What's up Hollywood! So, there's been a lot going on lately espechailly with Natasha Thumnbtzen ands Randy Jackson, last night I was interviewing nat and she seemed a bit distracted...

plays tape

EN: Natasha its so good to have you back! -smiles-

N: *smiles* its good to be back!

EN: So, you recently announced you leaving.. -crowed aws-

N: *nods*

EN: so hows Randy taking it?

N: um *thinks* i think hes handeling it kinda like i am, juss tryna hold on to the days we have left..

EN: -nods- So besides that how are you guys doing?

N: *smiles* great! couldnt get any better. *giggles*

EN: So he posted a book called Nat. have you read it?

N: *nods, smiles* yeah, i just saw it today.

EN: what was your reaction? -giggles-

N: *laughs* when i saw it i was all like *puts hands on my cheeks* awwww and then I was all like *cheeses*

EN: -laughs- so i take you liked it?

N: *nods, giggles* I loved it! He makes me happy 24/7

EN: -smiles- Thats good, Im happy for you two.

N: *nods* mmhm! *glances at phone, gasps*

EN: Is there something wrong Natasha? -looks at you worriedly-

N: *shakes head* N-no its all good. *smiles weakly*

EN: -nods- okay so are you excited about the Peoples Choice Awards? you and Randy are nominated for best couple!

N: *giggles, whipes away a tear* Y-yeah im extreamly excited about it and espeshially tha fact that ive been nominated for best model...

EN: -whispers- are you sure your okay?

N: *nods, smiles* I'm good.

E,: okay, well -clears throat- so I recently heard your going to be on the all that how does that feel?

N: mmhm! I'm exteamly excited about that matter a fact I tried out for the part of Chelsey in that's so raven so I'm waiting for a callback on that..

EN: -smiles- that's amazing! Congradulations!

N: *smiles* thank you!

In: so, are you ready for the peoples choice awards? Your presenting an award with Randy! -giggles-

N: *swallows hard* I-I am?

EN: -smiles- yupo!

N: *smiles weakly* Thanks Alex..

EN: looks at you- Nat, your crying, are you okay?

N: *shakes head* N-no *looks at phone, gasps* o-oh god, I'm so sorry Alex but I gotta go.. *gets up*

EN: now worries Nat, we can finish up on a different day...

N: *smiles wealky* thanks Alex *hugs you*

-tape ends-

I wonder what that was about? -sighs- well I guess Randy has allegedly cheated on her -crowed gasps- with her best friend!! And now Miss Brooke Shields is rumored to be expecting, wow. Not only that but Natasha had came out saying she is pregnant. fans myself- so much drama in the love department! But this is what Natasha had told me today-.

plays tape-

Um well what had happened last night killed me, it really did. Like I was an emotional wreck, but *sighs* he knows uye messed up and I'm trying as hard as I can to forgive him and work through this...

-tape ends-

Whoo! Lots going on there!

Okay now to the Lopes family okay they have tons of kids comming their way! Like odd combinations and even some kind of three some thing going on? One that's impossible twqoi that's redicilous and apparently Brooke She lids and Randy Jacksoin have a son AND Nai Lopes and him have a daughter! -mumbles- poor Nat.

But what's this about Michael Jackson and Lisa Lopes getting married next weekend?

And in other news yesterday Salt n Pepa showed up and make quite the scene with Lisa, as we all no not too long ago Lisa had burned down Andre Risons house but salt believes she was the reason, honestly girl you only wished that okay? It was an accident case closed! All you want is the press's attention...

-sighs- alright that's it for this episode of what's up in Hollywood!

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