Perrie Edwards

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So today we have a special guest, none other than Little Mix's own Perrie Edwards! So how are you today Miss Edwards? -turns towards her-

P: I'm doing great! Things are going good for me.

E: So, we saw pictures of you and the girls at the Cosmos and you looked stunning! Who do you think your fashion influences are?

P: For me, well, I have a few, I love people like Lady Gaga and Katy Perry who go all nuts they always look great except for that meat suit *laughs*

E: -chuckles- Ofcoarse,  so have you and the girls been working on your new album yet?

P: Yes! In fact Jade is working on a song or two now.

E: Oh cool! Do you have anyone special in your life say a boyfriend?

P: No. I feel left out sometimes for that reason. Jade has guys lined up for her. I think it's time to start searching for a boyfriend.

E: Well I don't think that should be a problem.  -smiles-

P: Thank you. It's not easy though. Theirs someone I like but I'd rather not say. *smiles*

E : Oh that's okay, so what's your favorite song at the monent?

P: Hmm... at the moment it's hard to say. I have so many favorite songs! But from our group I absolutely love DNA. Other than that I'm still on White Horse by Taylor Swift! *giggles*

E: - smiles - what singers do you look up to?

P: Theirs a few, meghan Trainor, and Miley Cyrus.  Miley seems strange but nobody takes the time to actually get to know her. She's very sweet actually. *smiles*

E: -chuckles and nods- Well that's about all the time we have Perrie, thank you so much for coming on the show!

P: Oh my my pleasure. *smiles*

E: I'm Brit Nicole and I'll see you next time on what's up in Hollywood!  -crowed applauds-

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