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What exactly is hell? We've been told it's a place bad people go for eternity after they die. That's true. So what's hell on earth? It's the worst place we could fathom. Were we hate to be. We feel like we'll lose our minds but there has to be something to keep us going.

The blond woman walked down the hall with two of her guards, dressed in her usual black getup. The only sound was her heels clicking against the stone and the keys giggling on her finger as she swung it like a hulahoop.

They came to the door and she opened it. The cell was dim, its only source of light was the small window up above. It smelt horrible. She asked the guards to wait outside and stepped in.

She crouched down and looked to the right corner. Anyone that stepped in would have assumed there was no one inside.

"Aah!" The dark slimned woman yelled and lunger at Iris. The blond woman dodge and held her hand up to the door for the guards to stand down.

Iris chuckled. "What were you trying to do? Punch me?"

"A punch is what you give a friend. I was about to finish you off." The woman croaked in a British accent.

Dehydration and malnutrition were taking a tolle on the prisoner. Her hair was dry and her hazel eyes were dull. She was dressed in old rags and slept on the floor. Food was brought to her only once a week.

"Do you want to leave here? Huh Thuraya? Do you? After how many years? It's over...100."

Thuraya was quiet. "I want to see my daughter."

"Your daughter, my daughter, our daughter. The illegitimate child. The bastard." Iris said

"You and I know who the real bastard is in this family."

"Family? What family? Yours or mine. I see my daughter everyday. When was the last time you saw yours? Years and years of birthdays gone. You missed her turn into a teenager, her sweet sixteen, her entering womanhood or manhood, which is it?"

Thuraya used her nails to scratch Iris. Her nails cut through her skin but as soon as it came the blond woman closed her eyes and the wounds healed. Thuraya was ready to slit her throat.

Iris exhaled and held the demon by her throat. Her eyes were glowing icy blue. "The keepers tell me you refuse to eat. That's not my problem but you will live one way or another. Even if I have to raise you from the dead. You will watch your only child fail in life and you will watch her die by the sword." She let go of the demon and dusted her clothes standing.

"It is you who will die by the sword." Thuraya said

"Justice must be restored."

"If there was justice you would be dead and Riahz would be alive!" Iris slapped the woman.

"How dare you speak of my late husband's name."

"He wasn't your husband. He didn't love you. When they were to execute him you didn't beg for his life to be spared. You watched and smiled as they lifted that sword." Thuraya said crying.

"He was stupid to sacrifice himself for your bastard. Although the council did make it easier for me, I didn't have to poison him myself."

"You don't know love. You only know deception, hate and envy."

"On the contrary, I know love. The kind done in bed but it only lasts a few hours until Cirun is tired."

"I promise you Iris. I will kill you myself. Not with a sword or magic but with my bare hands. I will shave your hair off and behead you. And I will make sure Liliya is there to bear witness to it. I won't kill her because I can't hold the sin of a parent over a child."

"For some one who is not in the position to talk you talk a lot. I could ask for you to be killed now. All I have to do is wave my hand like a wand."

"I can talk because I believe your day of judgement will come. I believe Savair-."

"She is weak!" Iris hissed with venom then she took a deep breath and smiled "I can't kill her now. If the council knew they would behead me but her little girlfriend... Now she, I can kill. Did you know she had a girlfriend? Once again Savaira will fail to produce an heir to the throne and her time would have been up by then."

"Why kill an innocent girl?"

"Do you know who her girlfriend is? The damn idiots I sent are trying to ruin my plans. If she turns 18 then...I don't even want to think about it. I'll find her and kill her, then I'll bring Savaira so you can watch as her heart dies once again. I killed that stupid human called Nepnty or whatever her name was. All I had to do was bribe the doctor to give her the wrong medication and bye bye she went along with your grandchild."

Iris stepped back and the chains on the wall held Thuraya as she tied to claw at her. "You killed my grandchild!"

"Ah! Yes I did. I watched as Savaira cried and almost brought down the hospital and I watched as she went into depression for years. No one to turn to. No one to console her. If you want to see your daughter then all you have to do is accept the changes against you."

Thuraya yelled. "If I accept those changes then I would be put to instant death!"

"And what difference would that make for you? I'll personally tell the keepers to
torture you until you confess. You want to shave my head then we'll do it to you first. How about that deal? Then we'll have you parade nude in the streets. The walk of shame."

"You were the one that gave the king the love potion. I cannot ams will not die for your crime."

"Then so be it. You wanna know how I made my baby girl the light?" Thuraya just stared at her. "I killed the moon goddess when she was with Ebrian. That's why I can't let the girl turn 18. She'll awaken and then we'll all die. That's how the prophecy goes."

"You're a devil!" One if the guards came in and whispered in the blond woman's ear.

"No. I'm not a devil. I'm the devil and this is your hell. Now if you'll excuse me it seams the book of life has been updated and it is under your daughters name. Make that two of your grand children I would have killed." Iris said and walked out.



"Come and face me you bitch!"

The blond woman had on a smirk. Time to go to work...again.


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