"What is wrong with Julian?" I screamed out impatiently.

     The Latino lady was about to open her mouth when the door swung open once more cutting her off.

     A large and familiar figure barged in engulfing me in a tight embrace, Liam? 

     "Liam whats wrong with Julian?" I questioned out impatiently.

     "Screw Julian Kiara I was so worried about you!" Liam cried out looking over at me with concern and hurt flashing through his eyes.

     "Why I am perfectly alright I am fine see!"  I replied raising my arms above my head.

    "Why would you take a bullet for Julian are you an idiot!" Liam cried out glaring over towards me with his arms still snaked around my waist.

     "I'm sorry... but I had no choice..." I mumbled out

     "What do you mean you had no choice!" 

     "It's nothing but lease tell me whats wrong with Julian!"

     "Well after you got shot he fell to the floor, he carried you himself to the royal hospital wing. And he has not left your side since he has not eaten or slept much."

     "Why did no one take him?" I screamed out in concern.

    "We tried to get him to eat he refuses to eat he has been by your side literally the entire time. I have been here to for a lot of the time but I have been having to baby sit lily."

     "How long was I out?" I questioned lowly, not necessarily wanting to know the answer. Concern was already lacing my tone as I looked over at Liam.

    "For over a week kiara.. you are extremely lucky the bullet hit one of your organs but it was an easy fix. The doctors had to do some serious surgery but it was successful." 

     "An entire week, what the hell!" I asked out in disbelief placing my hand on my lips looking over at Julian in concern.

     "We all have been worried sick about you. The king himself even paid for everything and got you the best surgeons." Liam replied.

     I turned my head towards Liam's gaze looking over at a large table full of ginormous gift baskets, gifts, baloons, flowers, and tons of card you name it it was there.

     "Is that all for me..?" I questioned out in disbelief and shock. Why would so many people thank me all I did was take a bullet, I am no hero.

     "Yeah, it's all for you!" 

     The door swung open once more revealing a huge crowd of people. Lucas, Ryder, Lily, Mia, my advisor and Jasper charged over towards me engulfing me in a tight embrace.

     "Help I can't breath" I cried out in plea trying to escape the hoard.

     "Oh my got Kiara I am so happy you are okay" My friends chorused out.

     For awhile they continued to ask questions and tried to help me with anything and everything. They gave me present and hung out with me for hours.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

     Currently, I was laying in bed with Julian sleeping figure at my side back at the castle in my apartment. I cuddled up in Julian's arms gazing over at his tired features.

     He was currently fast asleep with a cold wet towel draped over his head. He has been like this for a few hours. It took forever to get him out of the bed, he was so drunk.

     I had to basically drag him back here with Liam and jaspers help but luckily he's here now and it's just him and me. 

     I am completely wiped out from today and all the gifts and presents. Today was crazy who knew taking a bullet for someone would declare you to be a hero.

     Our hero, yeah no thanks. If anything I am a villain I am a killer, I only protected him because I was hired to.

     Doubt washed over me at the thought of Julian. Would I save him if I was not hired to? Would I have risked my life for someone just because I wanted to? Is Julian that important...?

     I turned back towards Julian smiling softly. I ran my fingers throw his messy hair admiring how silky and soft it was against my fingers.

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