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Mikasa Ackerman trudged through the thick, deep snow. She tightly gripped the handle of her sword, her knuckles turning white. The blood red scarf around her neck, along with her heavily padded body armour, did help keep her warm in the cold Northern territories, although she saw her breath puff out of her nose and mouth while she walked.

The Sliver Corps Clan, lead by commander Erwin Smith, had set out on a scouting expedition early that morning. They had managed to seize control of a small chunk of Werewolf territory, and were now hoping to expand it. Every soldier was tasked to scout out a section of the snowy terrain for any wolf soldiers. If they didn't see any, they were to send off a smoke signal using fire.

Mikasa had spent about an hour searching for any signs of life in this small patch of forest, however she saw nothing. No tiny brown squirrels ran by. The birds didn't sing. The only sound echoing in the trees was the raven haired girl's leather boots slicing through the snow, and her steady, low breathing.

Something feels off, she thought, taking her hand off her sword to adjust her scarf, why haven't I seen a smoke signal?

She glanced up at the light blue sky again, hoping to see just the tiniest glimpse of smoke. Nothing. Not even clouds danced by.

Did they head back to camp? No. If they did, the commander would've lit a green smoke signal. No one could miss that, she silently laughed to herself.

Maybe I should just go back to the rendezvous point. There doesn't seem to be any wolves in the area, so-


Mikasa's senses immediately went into high gear. She turned towards the sudden sound, her hand returning to her blade. She didn't see anything at first, or hear anything. Maybe it was just a branch snapping off due to the heavy snow. She slowly walked towards the noise. What she saw next sent a small shudder down her spine.

In front of her was a massive Werewolf. It had its back turned (luckily for her), and was feasting on what looked like the body of a horse. The sound of teeth ripping through thick flesh filled the whole forest, it ringing in Mikasa's ears. The black haired girl furrowed her brows. Werewolves rarely fed on horses, mostly eating small mammals, deer, moose or, in most recent cases, humans. She has overhead many Werewolf scouts complain about the taste of horses, them saying that they taste like rotten, moldy meat. In other words, wolves only ate horses when they were desperate.

The wolf's fur was solid white, not counting the bright red blood dripping off its muzzle. This one was big. Werewolves take the appearance of an ordinary wolf, but the only difference was their size. Most of them measure up to 5 feet, others getting as big as 6 feet. But this one looked around 5 feet.

Mikasa stared at the huge canine, trying to be as quiet as possible. One habit she had developed over the course of the war was watching the wolves she was about to kill. Observing their movements and knowing what they're about to do next makes it easier to take one down. The white wolf was still fixed on the corpse in front of it, continuing to tear off chunks of meat.

The raven haired girl was debating whether or not to attack it. Her mission was to make sure the territory was clear of wolves, but this one wasn't doing her any harm. Her hand still on her sword, she dared to move forward. She moved her left foot forward, then the other-


"Shit" she whispered to herself.

The wolf's ears instantly perked up. It completely spun around, its eyes now fixed on Mikasa. Blood continued to drizzle down its snout, some of it drying into its fur. Mikasa unsheathed her blade, holding it up at her side. The girl and the wolf now just stared at one another, waiting for either one to make a move.

Mikasa heard a low growl. The wolf wasn't bearing its teeth, but it was certainly making a sound.

Then, it suddenly sat down.

She raised an eyebrow slightly, confused.  It stopped growling, and just looked at Mikasa, its light blue eye gazing right into her grey ones. The forest was now utterly silent, except for the thumping of a white tail against the snow.

The Werewolf didn't move. It just....sat there.

The ravenette had never encountered a wolf like this before. Any other wolfs would've attacked her immediately. But for some reason, this one didn't.


Mikasa blinked. She shook her head, wonder what the hell she just heard.

Did it just.....?

"W-What?" she stuttered. Had the wolf said that? She had heard a voice in her ears, but she didn't see its mouth move.

"What did you say?" she whispered. The wolf once again did not move.

"What did you say?!!!" Mikasa suddenly raised her voice.

You should leave. Wolf scouts are on they're way.

The black haired girl shook her head again. The voice was low, but feminine. Once again, she didn't see the dog's mouth move. She didn't know how to respond, and just stood dumbfounded.

The huge wolf suddenly bared its teeth, getting back on all fours. It let out a loud growl, causing Mikasa to raise her blade.

I won't say it again! Leave, human!

All of a sudden, the forest filled with sound of dozens of wolves howling. It was close. Far too close for comfort.

The white wolf turned its head towards the sound. It glanced at Mikasa one last time before running off in the opposite direction. The ravenette realized the dog has the right idea. She sheathed her sword and began running back the way she came.

After a few minutes of running, she finally saw her horse, which was tied to a tree. She also noticed a green smoke signal in the sky, causing a small sigh of relief.

As she was riding back, a million questions ran through her mind. Mikasa kept wondering what the hell happened back there.

Why did that wolf spare my life?

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