I cautiously walked over towards Julian brushing m hand against his cheek softly.

    "I'm sorry Julian can you forgive me?" I questioned blinking my eyes a few times looking up at him innocently.

    His beautiful blue eyes met mine as unsureness flashed within them. After a few seconds of debating, he gently nodded his head.

    "I forgive you.." Julian mumbled out.

    "You ready for our date?"


    I placed my hand in his intertwining our finger smiling at the feeling of sparks that tingled throughout my hand and body.

    Loud chatter filled our ears as we walked down the hall hand in hand. A large crowd of people began to crowd around like a flock of sheep.,

    I attempted to pull my hand away from his but he would not budge.

    "Jullian people will see us.." I whispered.

    "Let them..." He whispered back tightening his grip.

    A blush crept up onto my cheeks as we walked closer towards the crowd.

    As we neared closer towards the people I was able to notice that everyone was crowded near a large tv screen.

    "Whats going on Julian?" I asked.

    "I'm not sure, let's check it out."

    "Alright, let's go."

    "Oh my god that is terrible." A young girl mumbled out.

    What do they mean whats terrible? I questioned as I looked over towards the tv watching as a news caster reported.

    "Breaking news.. a large explosion in new york city destroyed an entire work build owned by the hunt enterprise. There are no known survivors." The news reporter replied.

    I dropped my hand from Julians as tears began to fall. Anger, sadness, confusion, flowed throughout me as my heart shattered into a million peace.

    I stood still frozen and numb watching the tv as they showed recent clips of the burning building. That is our second HQ Keagan.. my dad.. everyone is there.

    Luckily it was our second HQ but Keagan... More tears began to flow freely down my cheeks as I continued to stare at the screen.

    "Isn't that the company process hut fathers own?" A whisper replied.

    The whispers of confusion from others brought me back to reality. My body was still numb and painful but it did not matter.

    I dash over towards the hall in a full out sprint.

    "Kiara where are you going?" Jullian cried out running towards me.

    I felt our hands graze each other as he neared closer towards me as we ran.

    I increased my speed as I abruptly turned down the hall taking turn after turn after turn. After awhile of running, I finally lost him.

    I looked both ways in fear as more tears began to flow. I collapsed onto the floor to my knees as I screamed out in agony.

    Keagan, Jax, Leo, my dad... Lina.. they all are stationed there for four months. Why.. them.. why now.. why...

    The voice of the female new reporter began to replay repeating the words of no know survivors...

    "Why is this happening!" I screamed out throwing my fist into the air punching the wall in anger creating a large dent.

    My knuckles began to race as I continued to push the wall blood trickling down my hands. I continued to kick punch and scream as I unleashed all of my emotions.

    The anger passed forcing my feeling to go through regret as I sunk to my knees once more.

    Tears could no longer fall my face was already covered in salty tears. My eyes dry and my cheeks red and puffy.

    I buried my face into my hands as I sobbed out in agony and pain rocking back and forth on the floor I a slow motion.

    I tried to direct my focus o something else but all that came up was the feeling of numbness, the feeling of nothing.

    Loud footsteps filled my ears a is continued to cry out in pain clutching onto my bleeding fists and clenching my jaw.

    "Kiara, I have bee looking everywhere for you are you alright?" A familiar voice replied.

    I looked upwards covering my eyes as I wiped a few stray tears. I looked upwards meeting the gaze of...

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