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     "Alright, there are 3 last contestants on the girl's side as well as the boys. First up is Anastasia princess and future heir of Russia!" An announcer cheered.

     The fact that they paid an expensive announcer to announce a small game of darts was crazy enough. But the fact that Anastasia was doing this well is just shocking.

     Currently, It was Anastasia, Mia, And Me in the lead the other two girls got knocked off. And for the boys they current three contests are Jullian, Jasper, and Maleek.

      For the boy's scores I am not sure what is going on, but for the girls its going well. I'm lead, with Anastasia next to me and Mia last.

     "Alright getting ready for the first shot of round 8 is Princess Anastasia on the left. And Prince Jasper on the right." The announcer announced.

    Ugh, should I watch Jasper or my arch nemesis Anastasia? Crazy bitch an enemy, or practically my best friend here.

     Crazy bitch ass Russian okay that works I must study my enemy, as the agents would say.

     Before I gazed over towards Anastasia I turned to the right giving a reassuring smile towards jasper. 

     Jaspers gaze met mine as he smirked over towards me sheepishly. My god that boy is as confident as ever.

      Jasper is almost cockier and confident then Jax back at home, and damn that is saying something major. 

     I fixated my gaze back towards Anastasia watching as she shot the dart with almost perfect precision at the board.

     I know that this is a stereotype but I mean she is Russian. I know that sounds so bad but obviously, Visaya had extreme fighting skills.

      Aren't they related, I think I heard that Anastasia is Visayas first cousin so it would make sense if she had a little fighting skill right?

     Her first shot was in the outer ring of the center as well as the second. The last shot, the third dart just barely hit the board in all. Did she stumble a bit at the end why?

     I turned my gaze over to Jasper's board with a proud motherly like a smirk on my face. I'm not sure what order he threw them in but two of them were in the center and one in the middle.

     "Wow did you see those two scores they were amazing. Let's hear a great round of applause for the contestants of round 9!" The announcer cheered.

    The crowd of people below the stage, as well as the people above, began to clap approvingly as they gazed over at the scoreboard.

     "And now for round 10, we have Princess Mia and Price Jullian up on the board!" The announcer announced happily.

        ♦     ♦     ♦     ♦ 

     The game of Mia and Julian went by quickly. Mia did well but could have done better, and for Julian, he got all of them in the center but one that was just on the rim.

     "Let's give it up for our two lovely contestants! And now for  round 11, we have Princes Kiara and Prince Malek up for their shots." The bouncer replied.

     I took a deep breath while clenching my hand around the darts a is cautiously stood up towards the dark board sloping at the red dotted line.

     All sounds of the people around reclusing the announcers vanished as I looked forward towards the board raising my right hand with precision aiming it towards toe board.

     The count off of the announcer snapped to focusm as I flicked my wrist back letting the sides of the dart slide throw my fingers flying through towards the board.

     Perfect I got it dead eye in the center just keep this up and it will be perfect.

    I took another deep breath in positioning myself once more in front of the board flicking my wrist. I fixated my gaze towards the board with a small shrug as it landed right beside the first.

     Alright, one more shot and then I'll be good to go, I can do this. IU flicked my wrist once more watching as the dart flew throw the air closing it in half.

     With excitement, I looked over at the board observing the location that it had landed on. Luckily the position was in...

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