83: Two poetic cocks

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Saturday afternoon, Wu sold the batch of eggs to another breeder. The breeder is quite well known, Yuan visited it once before. His son came two days ago, just to relay a simple message, 'Just buy his eggs with this price, I'll pay you back any losses.'

Did the boss dare to let him pay? He could only nod in agreement.

'The eggs that you sell will definitely worth the price.'

This is the most honest thing that the boss had said in ten years of his career, Chi was really accurate with the price. The boss calculated himself, he neither earn nor lose any, there's nothing more accurate than this.

Wu was holding his ATM card with a total of $500k in his bank account, his mood was as red and vibrant as the money in his bank. 

Even Shuai was jealous of him.

'It's good to have a powerful person by your side, money just came rolling in like tsunami waves.'

'How could you say that?' Wu protested, 'I worked hard for it.'

Shuai snickered, 'True too, you helped him, he should give you something in return.'

Wu took a pen and paper to start managing his finances.

'The feed that I owed last season was $69k in total, just make that $70k. I need to pay my student $100k, how much is it now? $170k. And also the utility bills, rental fees, oh yeah, I still owe my mom $10k...'

Seeing Wu accumulating his debts, Shuai added, 'You need to buy something for him too, isn't it? He helped you a lot.'

Wu's hand stopped, he looked unwilling.

'There's no need for that? He didn't even pay a single cent, didn't he just move his mouth?'

Shuai smiled helplessly, 'It's definitely not the first time.'

Wu's brows wrinkled, it seems like he's making a very tough decision.

'Fine, I just use the leftovers to buy him a gift.'

Then, he continued with his list, it may seem like he has a lot of money, but now it's almost all gone. Indeed, doing a business isn't the same as getting paid! Money is everything. After subtracting all the debts, there's only $120k left, after taking away $100k, there's only $20k left.

'There's only $20k left,' Wu lifted his head, told Shuai.

'$20K... ' Shuai thought for a while, 'You can buy him a watch.'

'What?' Wu's eyeballs almost dropped out from their sockets, 'Use that money to buy him a gift? What do I eat for the next month? What do I do if anything emergency happens?'

Shuai cleared his throat, 'Why are you so worked up? You sound like I'm going to kill you. I thought the $20k can be spent, you even included your allowance in it! Then you just take out your allowance, then let's see how much is left.'

Wu continued to calculate, then concluded, 'Left with $5k plus.'

Shuai rubbed his chin, 'You can't buy a watch with that amount, it's embarrassing to give him a watch that's worth less than $10k, just buy him some clothes then, you can think about it.'

Buying clothes with $5k, Wu still thinks it's like draining his blood.

'Wait...I just remembered something, my mom's birthday is next month, I need to give her $2k.'

Then, $3k is all that left.

Shuai then started to think again, 'Shoes then.'

A pair of shoes for $3k, you could see the unwillingness on Wu's forehead.

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