"As if anything could really be so wrong?"

Magsimula sa umpisa

"This trip is the worst," Chloe stormed off.

Clay followed her back up the stairs to the big rec room with the floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the mountains. There was a huge stone fireplace at one end and a massive TV at the other end with big furry rugs everywhere. All 6 of their siblings were hanging out there, taking up the space. Meanwhile the parents were in the second best part of the house - the outdoor hot tub. The only other place to go would be someone's bedroom, which didn't work because they were all sharing rooms, or to the main living room which also had floor to ceiling windows that looked out on the deck with the hot tub, where their parents would be able to see everything they were doing.

Every time he got a chance, Clay let his parents know how miserable it was having to share all the space with so many people. They didn't seem to care much, but he felt like they needed to know so they wouldn't get any ideas about trying to do another big family trip. He and Chloe barely managed to have sex that week.

Finally, the last night of their vacation, Brent and Adam took everyone tubing and left Clay, Chloe and Hannah home with Dax and Eli. It wasn't exactly what Clay hoped, but when Chloe acted like it was the best gift ever he tried to put on a happy face.

They settled in to watch movies, just the three of them. It felt more awkward than usual since Clay couldn't remember a time he and Chloe had ever hung out alone with Hannah. Normally there were other people around so Clay didn't have to think so hard about being a good boyfriend. That night, he kept catching himself looking at Hannah, watching Hannah and wondering what Hannah was thinking.

"Be right back," Chloe got up partway through the third movie. Clay tried not to panic. She was probably just going to the bathroom and he didn't want to be weird. But being alone with Hannah made it hard to breathe.

"She's been gone a long time. Were you supposed to follow her?" Hannah asked after what felt like a century.

"I dunno, I thought it was always the girls who went to the bathroom together," Clay reasoned. Was he supposed to go with Chloe? How would he have known? He started to get up but Chloe came back.

"I got us some treats," Chloe shut the door and sat down with her back against it. Clay glanced at Hannah to see if she was going to be upset with Chloe for shutting the door but she acted like she didn't care.

"Is it alcohol?" Hannah raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, and," Chloe pulled a joint out of her pocket. "You still want to do this?"

"Mhmm," Hannah nodded but she didn't look very sure.

"Uh, what are we doing?" Clay felt his mouth get a little bit dry. Drinking and smoking a little pot sounded better than watching a movie they'd already seen but he wasn't sure why Hannah was suddenly okay with those things. Normally she was the one telling them not to do them.

"Trying not to be bored out of our fucking minds," Chloe pulled a water bottle out of her bag. "It's tequila."

"Great," Clay tried not to keep looking at Hannah as Chloe poured a little in each of their drinks but it was hard to stop himself.

"Cheers," Hannah shrugged and took a sip. She made a face. "That's not what I expected that to taste like."

"I know, drink fast," Chloe suggested.

Clay wasn't sure when he crossed the line between a little buzzed to being drunk but he could tell when Chloe was done. She went from being fun to being super clingy. Normally it wouldn't have bothered Clay but that night he was afraid they would get caught. He'd heard the rest of the family get home but so far no one had come to check on them which had to mean someone would walk in at any second.

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