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Those who follow the law of the lord,  are people of integrity that are happy.  Those who search for him with their hearts,  happy are those ho obey his decrees.  They walk in his paths and do not compromise with evil.  You charged us to keep your commandments.  My actions would reflect your principles.  I will not be disgraced when I compare my life with your commands.  I will thank you by living as I should,  when I learn your righteous laws.  Don't give up on me.

By following your rules and obeying,  a young person can stay pure.  Don't let me wander from your commands,  I have tried to find you.  So I won't sin against you,  I have hidden your word in my heart.  Teach me your principles.  All the laws you have given me I have read.  In your degrees as much as the riches I have rejoiced.  I will reflect on your ways and study your commandments.  

I will obey your word and be good to your servant.  In the truths of your law open my eyes.  I need your guidance here on earth.  Those who rebuke your commands are cursed.  I have obeyed your decrees,  don't let them scorn or insult me.  You give me wise advice.

As I lie in the dust discouraged,  give me your word.  You answered me when I told you my plans.  I will meditate on your miracles,  and weep with grief.  Don't let me lie to myself.  I will be faithful.  Give me understanding and make me walk your path.  Turn me away from worthless things.  

Give me unfailing love and do not take your word from me.  I will walk in freedom and you are my hope.  Comfort me from my troubles because I am furious with the wicked.  I want your blessings.  Evil people will try to turn me against you.

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