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The snake was the worse creature created. He made woman to doubt God and she did eat of the fruit. Also she gave some to Adam and he ate also.  He convinced the woman and man that they would not die if they ate the fruit.  They listened and sin begin!  He knew their eyes would be open and know both good and evil. Once they ate from the food they knew they felt shame because they was naked.

Leaves is what they used to cover themselves.  Then God was walking in the garden and they heard him,  and they did hide.  God asked the man where are you?

Adam said we are here and we did hide because we are naked. Then God wanted to know how they knew they was naked.  He then asked Adam did you eat from the fruit after you was told not to and Adam said yes. Adam said the woman gave it to him and he ate. Then God asked the woman why she did this.  She said the snake gave it to me and I did eat.  The snake was punished and he was cursed. He will be in dust for as long as he lives. The woman did pay because she would have children with much pain. The snake and woman was now enemies.  All the offspring would be enemies also.  Your head will crush and his heel you will strike.

Pain and suffering the woman will have and you will desire your husband,  he will be your Master.  Because Adam listened a curse was placed on the ground. Your life will be a struggle of making a living. Thistles and thorns will grow and the grains you will eat.  You will have to sweat to produce food,  until you die.  Then you will return where you came from.  The dust you were made from and the dust you will return.  

Adam named the woman Eve and she was mother of all people.  Then clothes were made for Adam and Eve.  Then everyone knew both good and evil.  Adam and Eve was banished from the Garden of Eden. Then Adam did cultivate the ground from where he was made. Then there was placed angelic beings to the East of Eden. Then a sword was flashed back and forth. To guard the way of the tree of life.

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