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As you know there was created the heavens and earth.  Empty was the earth surrounded in darkness.  But then came light. This was very good for all mankind.  Then the darkness and light was separated.  Now there was day and night.

But there had to be space between waters from waters below.  This was sky as we know it today.  Then there came dry ground. Which was land and water. Along came grass and plants. Trees and plants of every kind.

There will be seasons for days and years. From earth a light will shine. Now there will be light on the earth. Which are the sun and moon. Of course the sun is the greater one. Next came stars .

Fish and life came next. Next came the birds and let things multiply.  All kinds of animals was here now. Next in line was people.  Made masters of life. They were all blessed and God knew this work was very good.

There was no rain to cultivate the soil. But then it came out of the ground. A man was formed from dust of the ground. Then life was breathed into it.  Man is now a living person.

A garden was planted and the man was placed there. Then came the beautiful trees that had fruit. Then the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and bad.  

There was a river that flowed from the land of Eden, as it watered the garden. Then it divided into four branches. The Pishon, around the land of Havilah, there you will gold. This gold is pure and there you will also find aromatic resin and onyx stones.  The second branch the Gihon is around the land of Cush. The third is the Tigris, and it flows to Asshur. Next is the Euphrates.  There the man was placed in the Garden of Eden to take care of The Garden.  But he was gave a warning. Eat any fruit except for the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  If you eat it you will die.

Now it was not good for man to be alone so a companion was made. There was animals and birds. God wanted to see what Adam would call them. There was a name for each of them.

Yet there was still no companion for him. He fell into a deep sleep and a rib was taken and closed up. A woman was made. Adam was very happy! He knew she was part of his bone and flesh. She would be called woman, taken from a man.  This is when a man leaves his father and mother to join his wife. They are now one. They might have been naked but felt no shame.

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