Lord I Pray

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Don't stand there silent while the wicked slander me and lies are told.  With hateful words and the fights against me.  There is no reason to fight.  They try to destroy me and all I do is love them.  I will pray for them and help if I can.  All they do is return evil for good,  and hate for love.

An evil person has to turn on him.  Bring him to trial and when judgement comes let him be found guilty.  Let his prayers be his sins.  His years need to be few.  His position let someone else have.  

Let his children be without a father.  His wife become a widow.  His children wander as beggars.  Be without a home.  Lose their money,  and strangers take the money.  Do not let anyone be kind to him.  Or pity his children.  His off spring die.  His family named be blotted out.  Do not forgive his ancestors,  do not erase his mother's sins,  let them remain with the Lord.  Let his memory be cut off from human memory.  He refused to give kindness,  he did not help the poor or needy,  hounded the brokenhearted to death,  he cursed others,  you curse him now,  he did not bless others,  don't bless him,  his cursing is a part of him like his clothing,  or the water he drinks,  the food he eats,  May his curses return and let them cling to him,  and be tied around him like a belt.

Let the curses become the Lord's punishment for his attackers,  that are plotting against him.  Deal with him instead.  Because you are good and faithful rescue me.  My heart is full of pain,  and I am poor and needy.  Like a shadow at dusk I am fading.  Like a grasshopper I am brushed aside.  I am skin and bones,  and my knees are weak from fasting.  Everyone mock's me,  and they shake their heads.

Because of your unfailing love save me.  Let them see you doing it,  that you did it.  You will bless me,  and they will curse me.  They will be disgraced,  when they attack me.  I will go right on rejoicing!  Let their humiliation be seen to all.  With disgrace clothe them.  I will praise you to everyone,  and give thanks to you my Lord!  He is ready to save those who condemn them and he stands by the needy.

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