Chapter 44

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*Brooklyns Pov*

Dinner went amazing and we talked about so much. We payed and made our way out. "I'm still hungry dad" "of course you are" Cameron said back. Everyone laughed and we were on our way back home. While we were in the car Taylor and I talked even more. "You look amazing today" he said. I smiled and said "thank you."

We drove back to the house and decided to have a movie night. I walked to my room and changed into my pjs and took off my makeup. When I was finished I walked out my room and closed the door. Shawn picked out a movie to watch from Netflix and we all sat down on the couch. Taylor sat next to me and I felt myself start to heat up. I looked over at him and said hey. He smiled back and said hey back. We didn't say much to each other, words couldn't find a way to come out my mouth. "What are you watching" I asked.

"White chicks" Hayes answered. I looked over to him started to laugh silently and eventually turned into me rolling on the floor, dying of laughter, "i-i-i love that m-ovie so much". "what's so funny" hayes said. "i don't even know i just really love that movie" i said with laughter. everyone started laughing because of how stupid i sounded.

Taylor's POV

her laugh. it's so beautiful. she hates the way she laughs but i love it. her smile i love it even more. everything about her i love, i just wish i could find a way to tell her. i've already let her down many times, i'm afraid she'll think i'll do it again. "what you thinking about" brooklyn said as she jumped in the open seat beside me. i looked over at her and smiled "nothing, why don't we start the movie." she smiled and nodded.

i wanna tell her, i want to be with her. i just wish she doesn't think i'll hurt her again. i hate what i did to her. i looked over at her once more and watched as she watched one of her favorite movie. the way her eyes lit up and the way she knew every line makes me smile. "your mothers so old that her breast milk is powdered. you breastfeed like this." as she blew into her hand. everyone laughed at how she rein-acted the line. i smiled and the only thing that i could think was how beautiful she was. just everything about her is beautiful.

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