"See ya'!" They called, before I was to far away to hear.

The sound of the school bell echoed through the halls, followed by the galloping footsteps of my fellow students. I threw my backpack over my shoulders and climbed over people (literally) to get out of my English class and into the Summer sun. Hastily, I leapt down the halls, bouncing off of a couple year sevens and eights, before leaving the school yard onto the streets to make my way home.

The sun's hot rays beat down on my neck, causing a bead of sweat to trickle down my forehead. I hated the heat, yet hated the cold equally, which holds quite a disadvantage for living in the North of England. I stepped to the side of the footpath to slip off my jumper and stuff it into my bag. Mum will probably rant at me for not folding it, but who honestly gives a fuck in 29 degree celsius heat.

As I put my bag back on my back, I heard muffled screams and whimpers coming from behind a nearby bush, followed by numerous giggles which sounded awfully familiar. The boys giggling spat words like "freak" and "faggot", with the occasional "worthless shit". I couldn't help but feel a sinking in my chest, like the voices in my head were being read aloud. My mouth felt suddenly dry and my knees were weak. It was as if I was about to collapse.

And that is when I heard the words "If only Zak were here to see this, he'd laugh his fucking head off!" That seemed to flick a switch inside me, as I pounced towards the voices faster than you could say 'run'. Without any rationality whatsoever, I marched through the scraggly hedge.

What I saw was nothing short of disgusting.

Blood dripped off of the leaves of the bush and onto the unconscious body laying on the ground. It was unrecognisable with countless bruises to the face, crimson-stained hair and broken sunglasses on the brige of his nose. He was wearing our school uniform but the shirt was no longer white and now more of a deep red. His lip was bloodied and swollen, along with his nose. I felt myself go pale at the sight.

The culprits stood proudly over the body, as if it were a piece of art. When one of the boys caught my eye, he grinned at me wickedly with a twinkle in his brown eyes. "Guess who we found, Zak? You're old pal who thought it was funny to go picking fights with you," Jacob spat. Yes, it had to be. My best friends, Jacob and Brendon, were responsible for this broken boy that lay at our feet, accompanied by football team captain, Matt.

But who was he talking about? I can't possibly know this boy, otherwise I would have recognised him. Wouldn't I? Surely, it couldn't be... there was no way. Unless...




"FINLEY!!" I shrieked, instantly falling to my knees, trying to wake him up.

"Zak, mate, chill. He's alright. Why do you care so much anyway? He's a little prick that deserved everything he got," Brendon hissed. I zoned him out, as I was more bothered about Finn's condition to argue about anything.

"Just get the fuck outta here before I call the fucking police on you sick freaks!" I screamed, tears on the verge of spilling over. It's strange, I'm supposed to hate Finley but I feel somewhat attached to him. It's like I need to protect him no matter what. I've never felt anything quite like this before.

"God, it was a joke, no need to get all pissy," Matt sneered, before him and the other two wandered off on their way home.

That left just Finn and I.

"Finn, come on, wake up!" I ushered, holding his face inbetween my hands. "Come on, babe, I need you to wake up!" Nothing. Not even a whimper.

I reached a bottle of fresh water out my bag and poured it gently over his head in an attempt to wake him. He coughed slightly and I felt the tightness in my chest ease up a bit. "Wha- what's going on?" He mumbled, peeling open his eyelids.

"It's okay, Finn, you're okay. My dick friends thought it would be funny to beat you up, but I'm here now. I'm gonna look after you," I comforted, holding his head to my chest and rocking him back and forth.

"Thank you," he breathed out, though it was barely audible through the chatter of passing students.

I got up, leaving him on the ground, and pulled out my phone, dialling Steph's number. She answered almost immediately.

"Helloooooo?" She sang.

"Come pick me up outside school. Now," I ordered.

"Geez, what's got you so pissy all of a sudden?"

"I'll explain when you get here. Hurry!"

"Okay, okay. On my way." And she hung up.

I sat back down beside Finn, stroking a strand of his clumpy hair. "It's okay, now. I'm here. I'm gonna look after you," I whispered and watched on as he drifted back asleep.

Song: 'I'm not gay' - JPee

A/N: Bless Finn's lil cotton socks😭. Don't forget to vote + comment!! <333

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