52. Bodied

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I knocked at dr.Kourtman's apartment, the door immediately swung open so I knew she wasn't sleeping, I walked in and sat on her couch "I wildly guessed my mother didn't want me back home" I said "why do you think that" she asked "don't shrink me" I commanded, "then why'd you come over" she asked. I stood up and pulled her into a hug, she squeezed me tightly, I can tell she's use to being lonely by the energy coming off of her, it's full of sorrow and brokenness.

I pulled out of our hug and just stared her in the face "I don't know why this is so easy for you" she asked "you're used to being in reality, I wasn't so werewolves we're nothing compared to the horror that I already lived" I joked

"But I didn't come in on the werewolf pack, I came in with the thousand year old supernatural scientists" she said , "just stop being scared" I told her "I almost died" she started to cry "stop being afraid to die, everyone will die, so just calm the fuck down" I yelled at her.

She pulled me into a hug "thank you" she told me. I pulled out of the hug and stared deep into her face not just looking at her but seeing her, her dark skin complexion, her hair starting with a widows peak and pulled back into a bun, her uneven eyebrows, the way dark circles formed around her eyes told me she was sleep deprived, her nose was wide yet fit her face perfectly, and her cracked lips begging for hydration.

I leaned towards her slowly slight tilting my head to the left, softly by meaningfully pressing my lips against her. I didn't have butterflies or a weird jumpy feeling but that doesn't mean this wasn't right because a comfortable and safe feeling took over my body, a feeling I haven't felt in forever.

My phone began to let out a loud buzz inside of my pocket, "you should take that" Vanessa told me, I backed up away from her and pulled my phone out to see it was from Chris, "hello" I asked as soon as I answered, "I need you immediately at my house, you have five minutes before I leave" he told me, then hung up, "I have to go" I told Vanessa without looking at her.

I got to Argent's house with 48 seconds remaining him and an older man were waiting outside, "you're late" the older man told me, he had a very raspy voice "no I'm not" I defended myself "when someone says five minutes you better be here in three" he said, I rolled my eyes at him and looked at Chris.

"That's my father, we're taking a trip to the network tunnels, the one that beast ran out of" Chris told me, I nodded and got into the passenger seat of the car, letting Gerard know his placement, Chris and I are a team, Gerard is an evil man and he will not get in between that.

We were walking down in the tunnels with Gerard taking the lead, him and Chris were talking about the Beast of Gevaudan, apparently it was alive long ago. Gerard touched the walls, lifting a black soot that stained his fingers. "This is probably what's coming off of the beast, his body is oily black, solid but shapeless at the same time, like a shadow pretending to be real" Gerard explained, his low and raspy voice sent chills down my spine as he spoke.

Chris put his pistol in it's holster and pulled out a larger weapon, "as far as the legend goes, the only weapon that has killed him was a simple spear wielded by a young woman" he added "the Maid of Gevaudan" Chris mumbled.

We came across a two way split "I'm guessing the girl is going to go with you" Gerard spoke to Chris, "no if Argent doesn't mind, I want to walk with you" I told him, "that's fine" Chris told me.

Gerard and I took a left, "you remind me of the maid" he said "excuse you, my father is a bil-" I stopped my sentence, is he even my father anymore, "I was talking about the Maid of Gevaudan, your bravery, you don't know what's ahead of you but you take it on anyway" he told me, I didn't have any words for him, then he suddenly stopped.

He began to tell me a story about the maid during the French and Indian war, Sebastien Valet, drank rain water from a wolfs paw print, he became the demon wolf.

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