3. In training

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I was walking into school, I seen a boy struggling with his locker, his eyes started to glow yellow and he ripped the lock off.

I ran up to him, "I saw that, I saw what you did" I told him "I didn't do anything" he said with fear in his voice "yes you did, you're a werewolf" I whispered "I gotta go" he stumbled, I grabbed his arm "please just say you are so I know I'm not crazy, or some medicinal effect" I asked "get away from me" he yelled pushing me away.

I opened his locker and started shuffling through his things, "Isaac Lahey", I grabbed some of his books and placed them in my bookbag, there has to be something werewolfy about him.

I was in free period with Lydia, she was doing her make up I was on my laptop looking at wolf myths a found a couple of things that might harm Deucalion and his team of guard dogs, I called Miguel "hola chica" he spoke Spanish "mi madre le preguntó si se puede plantar acónito en el patio trasero" I told him in Spanish, "yeah" he said then hung up.

Lydia was right next to me I didn't want her getting an idea of what might be happening, but looks like she is multilingual too because she made an odd face and looked up at me "why does you mom want wolfsbane in the backyard" she asked "we heard beacon hills has a wolf problem, and we live in the woods" I lied.

I looked up, more stuff about werewolves, red eyes are alphas, which means you'd have to kill another alpha to get them, Derek is a dog murderer, yellow means beta, Isaac is a beta, oh my god, what if he's Derek's beta, does that mean Derek would have to kill him, blue means you've killed an innocent person.

When I looked up beacon hills news, I got that there has been eighteen deaths in the past year, some were found strung up to trees or ripped apart.

I seen Isaac walk into the library, "hey, Lahey stop" I yelled, I ran out of my seat, he started to run out of the library.

I chased after him, "please don't run, I can help you" I yelled after him "I know your alpha" I yelled that's what made him stop and turned around, "I know there's a pack of alphas, and they want you dead" I said.

Isaac took me to others from his pack, including Scott McCall a werewolf, Stiles Stilinski a human, Allison Argent a former werewolf hunter, Boyd a werewolf, and my good pal Lydia Martin is a banshee.

They told me about the current problem, there's someone making human sacrifices, and an alpha pack, that wants to fight them, I couldn't really think of anything but "cool" I smiled.

"No, not cool, do you not get human sacrifices" Stiles asked "all of this is like a tv show but in real life, and we're the teenagers that save the day, this is so cool" I smiled, "no we're the teenagers that save the day, you're the kid that's going to keep her mouth shut" Stiles told me.

What a bitch.

"I think we could use her, I mean we can use an extra head" Allison said, "Aubrey you do understand that if you help us, everything is going to change" Scott told me.

More choices, walk away face nothing, or help them and get a pole through your abdomen.

"What's wrong with a little challenge" I asked "death, that's what's wrong" Stiles yelled "just tell us when you can't handle something, or whenever you want to walk away, we'll understand" Scott said, "dude are you serious" Stiles asked him.

"Stiles is an obsessive person, it's gonna take a while for him to warm up on you, he still hasn't warmed up on me" Isaac told me.

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