43. Save Me

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I open my eyes, I see trees above me moving west, everything seems dazed and muffled, I feel cold but isolated, the moon is at its highest point, but only half is visible.

I see two people above me but there faces are erased, one reached over and grabbed me shaking me out of confusion.

Stiles pulled me onto the grass, I looked back at the river, "Aubrey" Stiles called, confusion rushed through me.

"What happened to you" Theo asked "I don't know" I said, "Aubrey how'd you get in the river" Stiles asked "I don't know, I don't know anything" I said.

They placed me into a black Toyota truck. Theo went into the front seat, Stiles stayed next to me in the back, "I can't remember anything" I said. "She can stay over with me until, the morning, we'll go over to Scott's, and help find Liam, Hayden, and Vanessa" Theo offered, "why do we need to find the them" I asked, "do you remember the dread doctors" Stiles asked, "I remember them but I don't know them, I don't know any of you, I've just been watching you" I told him.

We walked into a house, they sat me down on a brown couch, the floors where hard cedar wood, "okay so, things only happen when she's still cold" I heard Theo say "every time she's been in that river she gets confused, things get worse" I heard Stiles say, "warm her up" Theo said.

They got blankets and wrapped then around me, "what's some things you guys been through that were memorable" Theo asked, Stiles paused for a minute than grabbed my arm and pulled me carelessly "I'm not your rag doll" I complained.

Stiles grabbed my arm and began pulling me "this is gonna stop, I'm not a rag doll" I said.

Memories flooded my mind flooded with memories, my body started to shake, "I remember" I told them, "I remember, the dread doctors took them, Malia and Scott went looking for their scent" I told them.

Theo gave me a dry pair of clothes, sweatpants and a tank top.

I sat on the couch fiddling with my fingers, making shapes, or tracing all the links on my palm, Stiles is lightly snoring in the dining room, I swear he can fall asleep anywhere, that's something I want to remember.

"You can't sleep" Theo asked "I don't want to" I told him "why not" he asked "I'm afraid that if I fall asleep, I'm going to wake up and not remember anything" I told him "how does it feel when you forget" he asked, "I feel like I'm in a different skin, like I've been watching them through a screen, I don't have any real memory with them" I explained to him, "get some sleep, I'll be right here, and if you forget, I'll help you" he told me, I smiled.

"I know you guys will, I'm also worried because, the dread Doctors, they did something and I think I'm going to die" I told him, he scooted in next to me "we're make sure you're safe" he told me "just like Hayden" I joked sarcastically "we'll find her" he told me, I leaned onto his shoulder "we don't know that" I mumbled.

"Aubrey get up" I heard Stiles voice, you're name is Aubrey Cunningham, you came to beacon hills junior year, you're seventeen years old, current problem are the dread doctors, we're going to Scott's to help find Hayden, Liam, and your therapist Vanessa Kourtman.

I opened my eyes and sat up, Theo was sleep next to me "come on, they've got another possible chimera, Cory, he's reading the book now" Stiles informed me, he seemed jittery and rushing.

We got to Scott's house, we met Malia outside in the driveway, we all went upstairs, Scott's claws were lodged into the back of Cory's neck.

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