37. Price to Pay

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It was completely dark.

I was freezing and slimy.

I scrambled trying to feel around, dirt, leaves, twigs.

I stood up "hello" I asked. I stepped on solid ground

I seen a bit of light and started running towards it.

Two bright lights parallel to each other came hurdling at me.

The car jerked to a stop, the front barely touching my knees.

I couldn't see the driver because the lights were too bright, I shielded my eyes.

"Aubrey" I heard a voice.

Lydia came out of the car, "why are you wet" she asked, "I don't know, I don't remember" I mumbled.

I got into the back of the car, Malia was driving "are you okay" she asked "I don't know".

"Let's take her home" Kira said, "do a U-turn, and go straight" Lydia said "you sure" Kira asked "yeah" Lydia reassured.

We stopped in a rode under a bridge I seen police lights , and a prisoner transport van.

"Lydia this is not Aubrey's house" Malia stated "I know, someone died here" Lydia said, she walked out of the car.

"Aubrey you're shaking" Malia said, she took her jacket off and handed it to me, I looked at my hands that were violently shaking involuntarily, I wasn't able to grab the jacket.

Kira wrapped it around me along with her arms, I could feel her warmth fading, until she finally unwrapped her arms from me, "she's freezing" Kira yelped, "does she need another jacket" Malia asked, "she needs a hospital, I think she has hypothermia, she's turning blue" Kira said.

Lydia came back into the car, Stiles and Scott came with her "Aubrey, I know you're cold, but does it hurt" Scott asked "I don't feel anything" I told him.

"The hospital isn't safe, this could be supernatural and we don't want them questioning her" Scott said, "Scott, we found her in the woods, nothing but a shirt, and she's soaking wet" Kira rebutdtaled "what are the doctors going to say when her temperature is below the temperature of a man that's been dead for three years" Stiles argued.

"Something could've happened to her" Kira yelled "lets take her home, run a hot bath and put her to sleep" Lydia said, "someone could've hurt her, she could've did something, why are we not taking extreme measures on this" Kira repeated with frustration growing.

"Who got arrested" I asked out of now where "his names Donovan" Stiles told me "what's going to happen to him now" I asked "he's going to go back to the sheriffs station until they transfer him again" Stiles answered, I nodded.

I sat on the couch, Lydia went into the linen closet and got blankets "Lydia how do you know where everything is" Stiles asked, "the times we were trying to be normal, we'd pig out and watch movies here all the time" Lydia told him.

Scott walked in, "I can see through your entire house" Scott told me, "see he light switch, roll it down, it taints the windows" Lydia told him, pointing to the direction he should look at.

Malia sat a cup on the coffee table, there was steam coming out of the top, I picked the cup up with both hands, I watched the smoke go away and the cup turn as cold as me and, slammed it back down on the edge of the table causing the cup to shatter.

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