Chapter 29- Vonatide

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I was woken by a burning sensation on my cheek. A loud groan came from somewhere in my throat as I moved my head away from the heat. All I could see was black. Oh my God, was I blind?! Then I realised I had my eyes closed. Phew. Panic attack over. I forced my eyelids open but all I could see was a blurry orange blob. As I focused on it, my vision cleared and I saw it was a fire. Louie was sitting next to it. I tried to lift my head up to look at him but it sent shooting pains down my back. I gave a pathetic squeak of pain and relaxed. Louie looked up and crawled over to me. "Being attacked by gas really takes it out of you, huh?" he said. I managed a reply along the lines of "ummmhmmm". Louie looked more human. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. Was it really him? "It is me Fauna" he said with a smile.

I glanced around and saw it was night. Flame, Monsoon and Grim were asleep. Kane was missing. I sat bolt upright, ignoring the pains in my back. "Where's Kane?" I asked, finding my voice "Um, he's over there" Louie said, pointing. I followed his finger and, using my superior eyesight, I could see Kane clearly in the distance. He was staring out to sea (we were still on South Sheilds beach by the way). I stood up rather shakily and stumbled over to him. Louie reached forward to help me but I pushed him away. Better to be safe than sorry for Kane and Louie's sake. Don't want another fight on our hands, do we?

I forced myself to but on leg in front of the other. My whole body was burning. What had that gas done to me? I was shaking in agony by the time I reached Kane, which felt like eternity. I collapsed down next to him, gasping. He didn't even look round. "Hello" I said. Kane grunted and turned away. "Hellooooo..." I said. "What do you want?" he snapped. I jumped. What was wrong with him? "Everything's wrong with me" snapped Kane. Wait, did I say that out loud? "Yes" said Kane. Damn, not again. "What do you mean when you say everything's wrong with you?" I asked. Kane glared at me "Don't you remember anything that happened a few hours ago?" he snapped. "Well, no". Kane tutted "You inhaled the gas and blabbered on about how much you love Louie" "I must have just inhaled to much gas" I said casually. Kane tutted again "No. You inhaled Vanatide. It makes you tell the truth. You love Louie, you don't need to hide it anymore" "I'm not hiding anything!!" I cried "I don't love Louie! I love you!" "Lies, lies and more lies. Thanks to that Vanatide, I know your secret. You never loved me! You loved him!" "I. DON'T.LOVE.HIM." I said blankly "I. LOVE. YOU." Kane laughed slightly "Vanatide makes you tell the truth. What you said was the truth. You do love him" Kane said with a sigh.

I got ready to shout again, but a voice stopped me "He's wrong you know" I stood up and tensed up, prepared for the worst. Don't call me paranoid. All I saw was a black figure. I couldn't make out the details, because it was dark. I nudged Kane, who looked and stood up beside me. "Who are you?" I asked "That is not relevant" said the figure. "Fine. If you won't tell me who you are, come out into the light were I can see you" I said, noticing a spot of moonlight a few meters away. "It is best if you don't know who I am" said the figure. "All you need to know is, I'm a friend. You can trust me".

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