Chapter 9- The message

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Kane looked into Monsoon's face, half hoping to him slowly open his eyes. But he didn't. The colour had faded from his eyes, and they seemed to be staring at something many miles away. Kane gently brushed his hand down Monsoon's face, closing his eyes. There, he looked mush peaceful now. He placed Monsoon's body on the ground and when he withdrew his hand, Kane discovered that it had blood on it. Probably from his head.

Kane wiped the blood from his hands and lay down next to the body. The amber evening sky looked back down at him.

Fauna was going to kill him for this.

It was then that a huge gust of wind hit him. Kane sat up and let the wind go through his hair. But then, there was a voice. The wind seemed to be saying something to him. Kane strained to hear and could just hear the words:

Fauna is trying to fight off the Minjas, but DON'T come after her. Go to the town on the other side of the forest and meet Grim and Flame in Tesco's.

Kane realised immediately that the spirits must be talking to him. Clever Grim. In the slightest hope that Monsoon might be alive, Kane said to him "It looks like we're going to Tesco's, Monsoon. We'll meet Flame, Grim and Fauna. I hope Fauna managed to fight off the Minjas without getting hurt" he added, half to himself, half to Monsoon's body. Kane went over to Monsoon's body and picked him up gently. He looked into his pale face once more, but it was still pale and lifeless. Some sort of invisible force made him do a 90 degree turn and the same invisible force pushed him forward. The spirits were telling him were to go. Kane staggered off holding Monsoon's body that was now just a dead weight. I hope I don't have to far to go he thought. Then he had an idea. He spread out his wings, and made a running take off. He dropped a few feet but by pushing his wings down hard, he flew up. It wasn't one of his best take- offs, but he somehow managed to get into the air. Turning in the direction of the invisible force, he pushed off with his wings and away he flew. Now, he thought next stop: Tesco's!

The 5 Experiments- An Experiment with the Elementsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن