He convinced me to shower and brush my teeth, but other than that I felt like my life wasn't even my own anymore.

So I laid there, staring at the ceiling.

Ashton sat on the floor next to me, watching me with sad eyes. He tried talking to me, telling me about the kids days and that things were being taken care of.

There was apparently an investigation to find out who did it and since it was my account but they released messages between me and him and then me and Harry, all three of us would file charges against the perpetrator.

Harry had been dealing with it on his end and was apparently furious and had released a statement that said 'That was a deep violation of Ms. Chase's privacy and also mine, and action will be taken against the person responsible.'

I "mhmm" and nodded at his words but I didn't have the mental capacity to handle anymore.

And I guess he didn't either, because finally he left, sighing as he did.

I watched him leave but quickly returned my gaze to the ceiling.

This tour had been hell, and I felt like it was all because of me. I was ruining his career and Harry's career and I knew it would be best if I went home.

The next time Ashton came back I would tell him.

I heard noise coming from the front of the bus and then someone say "she doesn't need you to coddle her like a baby, she needs tough love."

Then the door was whisked open and to my surprise Ari walked in, but I didn't show surprise, my face was blank.

"Get up." She snapped.

I didn't move at this. Why was she here?

"Carter, get up out of this bed right now, I swear to god I will drag you out myself."

I knew she wasn't kidding.

"Fine. God." I breathed and slid out, my legs wobbly from not having stood up in so long.

"Shower." She pushed me towards the bathroom. I complied and let her shove me into the small space.

She practically had to undress me herself before shoving me inside the shower with the hot water.

She handed me my tooth brush and then waited inside the bathroom for me to finish.

When I got out I wrapped up in a towel and she forced me to get dressed.

I moved to get back in bed but she stopped me.

"No. Walk. Outside."

"Ari, no." I breathed.

"Walk your ass outside now or I will have Jason carry you out there. We can do this the easy way or the hard way, now what's it gonna be?"

I shot her a dirty look before forcing myself to walk.

As I left the bunk area for the first time in days, I saw Ashton with Jason and Luke on the sofa, his eyes widening when he saw me.

Ari pushed me out the door into the sunlight, my entire body cringing.

"This way." Ari led me away from the bus and to a place that looked like a park.

She pushed me down onto a bench and then stood in front of me with her arms crossed.

"You need to snap out of this." Ari quipped. "I know you are hurt and upset, but laying in bed for days on end and starving yourself isn't helping anything. If anything it's making this worse, because now they're not worried about the media they're worried about you having a god damn seizure."

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz