I walked with my luggage to the hotel where Darry's car was out front. I put my suitcases in his trunk.

As I walked to his room, I wondered if they'd be ok with leaving today. I want to get out of this town as soon as possible.

I knocked on Darry's door and Ponyboy answered. I said, "Hey, Where's Darry?" He said, "Darry? He went out shopping with Dally."

I said, "Shopping? For what?" He said, "Well we have a million dollars remember. Dally just want to try buying stuff without being arrested."

I said, "Oh ok. Well, I guess I can just meet them there." He said, "Ok well they are at Target down the street."

I said, "Ok thanks." He said, "Later, sis."

Later At The Store...

I noticed Dally picking up a box of chocolate cake. I didn't want to talk to him where's Darry?

Before I could go searching for Darry, Dally noticed me. He swung his arm over me and said, "Hey babe! Missed ya."

I said, "Oh I bet you did." I grabbed his arm and twisted it off my shoulders. He said, "What's wrong?" I said, "It doesn't matter it's done, we're done."

He said, "Hey I tried to call you about your audition I'm so sorry I couldn't make it....what's wrong?"

I said, "Did you feel sorry for me? Have you always seen me as the less younger Curtis sibling and never see me tough enough to take on a challenge?"

He said, "Wait what?" I said, "You felt sorry for me and then asked me out being the guy you are with your rep knowing I'd fall in love with you."

I continued, "You and your dumb charity. All you did was play me like a game and congrats you won."

He said, "I don't understand." I said, "And you don't need to. I understand perfectly now.

The world opened my eyes up to reality where you and I are just gang members nothing more nothing less."

He said, "Wait, I want to be more. What's going on with you?" I said, "You can be more with the girl you slept with. Goodbye Dallas."

With that I walked off to find Darry. I found him somewhere in another aisle. I said, "I wanna go home. I want to go back to Tulsa it's where I belong."

He said, "Ok, I'll call the boys and we'll go home today." And he did call them. We waited and waited and waited and waited some more and waited and waited.

Until FINALLY, they arrived with their luggage and suitcases. I said, "What took you guys so long?"

They all looked at each other and busted out laughing and then I said, "I don't even want to know. Let's just go."

Steve said, "Wait, where's Dally is he coming with us?" I said, "No, he'd rather stay here with another girl getting her pregnant now let's go."

I was the first one to get in the car. Everybody else followed in. Soda sat beside me.

He said, "I'm really sorry to hear about Dally." I said, "It's not your fault so why don't you and everybody else just shut up about it."

He said, "Ok, I'm sorry." I relaxed in the car and closed my eyes. It felt like seconds but it was more like hours and hours had gone by.

We had finally made it to Tulsa. It felt nice seeing the tumbleweed and the broken signs and the socs and Greasers almost killing each other.

Now this is my home. Where we try to kill each other and get in trouble with the fuzz.

Dally kept trying to call me but I kept sending it to voicemail. The last message he sent me hit me hard.

Dally: "I will see you in 2 days from now."
Scar: "Don't bother."

Me and him are so over! I am now looking towards the future. I am seeing fun with Two-bit, water balloon fights, chocolate cake time with Steve, and sooo much fun with Soda.

Yep, things are obviously going to get better don't ya think?

Thanks for reading!!! We only have 2-3 chapters to go before I finish this book! I'm telling you guys it gets worse and worse and ends super sad! I'm sorry but that's just the way I choose to end the story! That's all for tonight! I will update later! Hope you enjoyed this book and thanks again for reading!
-Stay Gold

Scarlet CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now