The News

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I woke up in my old hospital room I was in months ago from Bob. It brought back pain memories. I looked beside me and there was Soda where he was before, holding my hand.

I lightly shook him awake. I felt awful about what I said to him. He said, "Hey Princess. How you feeling?" I got out of the hospital bed and hugged him. I said, "I love you, Soda, and I told you I knew where they were."

He smiled and said, "I love you too, and you were right. It just doesn't seem possible." I said, "Well, it did happen." He hesitantly said, "Ok, I believe you. Now, cmon we already checked you out, the doctors said just wait till you wake up. You ready to go?"

I smiled and said, "Can I ask you two things?" He said, "Sure, anything." I said, "Well one, will we ever be with mommy and daddy again?" He said, "Yes we will. What's the other thing?" I said, "Are we going to stay a family?"

He said, "Of course we are. Why would you think we wouldn't?" I shrugged and said, "I guess it's because Pony and Darry were thinking about becoming Socs and the gang were arguing with them that one night. Soda, I don't want to be a Soc."

He said, "Princess, no matter what happens we will always be a family." I smiled and said, "Good." He said, "Now, let's go home." I held his hand all the way until we got to the front where part of the gang was. Darry, Pony, and Johnny hugged me and told me I did a good job.

When we got home, Pony and I fell fast asleep, and Soda and Darry carried us inside. I love my brothers, and I would do anything in the world for them.

When it was morning, I saw Pony, Two-bit, and Steve in the living room. Two-bit spotted me first. He said, "Hey look the other hero is up." He and Steve came and gave me a big hug. I smiled and hugged them back.

Than, Pony said something I wished I never knew. He was looking at a newspaper and said, "It's all about us: me, Darry, Soda, and Scar. There thinking about putting Scar in a girls home and me in a boys home. No way."

He turned around and saw me standing there with watery eyes. I said, "Pony, I don't want to leave." He kneeled down, looked me right in the eyes, and said, "I know Sweetheart, I don't either." Steve said, "Oh cmon, they don't do that to heroes."

Two-bit turned on the tv and the news was on. I said, "Wait! Don't change it yet." That's when I saw me, Pony, and Johnny's faces. The news lady said, "Scarlet Curtis Ponyboy Curtis, and Johnny Cade ran out of their town to a church on a hill at Jay Mountain after Johnny Cade killed a Soc. The Socs name was Bob Sheldon. One day the church was on fire with little kids inside the building. The three of them with the help of Dallas Winston managed to get in the church and get them out safely. Now, Scarlet and Ponyboy Curtis were in the custody of Darrel Curtis, but now court thinks that was a mistake. They will be going to court again in two days to see what happens. I am Margot Johnson and this is your local news."

I started to cry and said, "I don't want to go to a girls home or any other home. I want to stay here forever! They are not going to take me away."

Two-bit laid me in his lap and said, "Doll, it's gonna be ok. Your not leaving." I said, "But there thinking about it." He said, "Yeah, but they won't and you want to know why?"

I said, "Why?" He said, "Because Darry loves you and Pony very much, and he wouldn't let that happen. He's doing his best to keep y'all and he's never going to quit." I smiled and said, "I love Darry." Two-bit turned Mickey on and we sat there watching it.

Soda came in the living room and said, "Darry, you know where my pants are?" He said, "Yeah, I ironed them there on my closet." I started giggling. Soda said, "What are you laughing at?" I said, "Well, even I know where my own pants are."

He smiled and said, "Whatever." I turned my attention back to the tv, and I laid my head on Two-bits chest. He always cheers me up. He's my best friend.

Thanks for Reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next couple of chapters are super sad! So, have your tissues handy. Hope you love this book. Comment and star and share.
-Stay Gold

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