Tulsa Is My Home

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I ran to the dorm room passing the gang on my way there, but not saying anything to them.

The could probably tell how I was feeling due to the sadness on my face. I went up the elevator to my dorm room
number 238.

Lanee and Salma were already in the room. They gave me nasty looks as I went to my side of the room.

I grabbed all the suitcases I brought and started packing. Salma got off her bed and said, "Scarlet what are you doing?"

I said, "It's Scar, and I'm leaving. It's pretty obvious you guys don't want me here and now my whole name will be around this place that I'm a jerk."

She said, "Well, you are." I said, "I do not need any of this right now. I'm leaving tomorrow."

She got quiet again as she sat back down with Lanee. Lanee looked at me and said, "Scar, why do you not cry?"

I said, "Who says I don't cry?" She said, "I noticed. Every time something gets to you, you never cry."

I shrugged and said, "I've just become tough that's all." Salma said, "Like we haven't figured that out already."

I said, "Look, that girl that got on stage tonight is a complete stalker! She only cares about herself and will do anything she can to make her happy!"

Salma said, "Ok, so you didn't put her in that wheelchair?" I said, "No, I did..." Sal said, "I knew it. Hurting people does not make anything better, Scar."

I said, "Life is unfair and sometimes you just got to hit what comes at you." Sal said, "Yeah but what if you hit too hard?"

I said, "Well then I guess your just unlucky." I began packing my suitcase starting off with my clothes.

Lanee asked, "I also noticed your boyfriend wasn't at the theatre where was he?"

I didn't say anything I just kept packing. Lanee said, "Hello? Scar, did you hear me?" I threw my packed up suitcases on the ground and said,

"Yeah I heard you! He cheated on me on...I-I don't wanna talk about it." She looked away and muttered, "Sorry."

I said, "Why it's not your fault. We have been dating for at least a year, but it ain't your fault."

She said, "Well yeah I know that it's just I don't know I feel bad." I said, "Well don't, face it Lanee life's full of

Disappointments and this is a way of the world showing me how much it hates me."

I rolled my suitcases out of my room, into the elevator, out of the elevator, and into the lounge.

Bettie stopped me. She said, "Hey Scar, your boyfriend told me to tell you hi." I said, "Thanks I'm gonna miss you, Bettie."

She said, "Oh, and where are you going?" I said, "Back to Tulsa." She said, "Why is that?"

I said, "Because Tulsa is my home. It may not be perfect but it's my home and that's where my future is not here."

She said, "Well, good luck to you." I said, "Yeah thanks I guess." I walked out the door leaving everything and everyone behind me.

Scarlet CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now