Chapter 74

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Whatever happens in here.... Please don't kill me😶

Harry's POV:

"Stop. Stop" I yelled hysterically , when they continued to torture her with that defibrillator.

"Harry. Stop yelling , man" Liam tries to calm me down.

"Harry , that's enough" Louis yelled on top of my voice and I stop , glaring at him for a second.

"There's no use in yelling. Just stop" he begs me , as tears slid down the corner of his eyes.

"Louis. Baby" Eleanor speaks up all of sudden , gripping his hand tightly.

"What's wrong , El?" We all turn towards her , as Louis takes her hands in his.

"I think this baby is coming. Now" she says , letting out a whimper.

"What? Now? God I told you both to stay at home. You never listen , do you?" He starts freaking.

"My bestfriend is in there. You expect me to stay  at home and not freak out?" She retaliates , her voice being all shaky.

"Calm down , you two. Um.." Liam cuts them off and turns around and calls one of the nurses.

"We need a wheelchair here" the nurse yells and Louis turns around to look at me.

"Harry..." he begins before I cut him off.

"She's gonna be an aunt soon. She'd be very happy to hear that" I smile through my tears , sniffling lightly.

"Just take care of my sister." He pulls me into a hug , as we both cry into each other's shoulders.

He pulls away and pats me on the back before letting me go and turning around to tend to his pregnant girlfriend.

I watch them leave , Liam and Sophia accompanying them while  Niall and Darcy stayed  behind with me.

"Mom and Dad are on the way. Your parents are coming along too" Darcy informs , shoving the phone inside her pocket.

"How am I gonna face her parents after this? It's all my fucking fault. I failed to take care of her. They trusted me. I fucking failed" I rant , burying my face in my hands.

"It's not , Harry. It's not your fault. If you're thinking that my parents will blame you , you're wrong" Darcy tries to calm me down , by rubbing  the small of my back.

I look up , turning towards the room where she was in and noticed that the chaos still hasn't died down in there.

"We're gonna try CPR. One last time" the doctor  announces and starts , trying with all his might.

The beep from the monitor was loud and long , without any interruptions and it seemed to ring louder and louder inside my ears.

One last try , the doctor gives and it all became slow - mo.

I took a small step inside the room , and everything became pitch black , except the hospital bed she was lying in.

Her eyes were open , sparkling a little bit of hope in my heart , but it was all crushed when I saw that they weren't moving.

One last push and there came one last breath out of her mouth - ringing loud and clear in my ears.

She stopped struggling , she stopped breathing.

The loud beep finally comes to an end and I turn around to see that they had pulled the plug out and disconnected her from the machines.

"Do you wanna call it ,doctor ?" The other doctor asks him.

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