Chapter 2

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Suzie's POV :

It's been a month since the most unbelievable thing happened to me - meeting Eleanor Calder at a hotel and literally moving in with her and One Direction - the biggest boyband in the world.

It doesn't happen to a lot people and I would have laughed at my face on the mirror if I expected all of this to happen.

But it did and as the days passed , I was getting used to living with them and getting less freaked about stuff.

El, Sophia , Lauren and I became pretty close and they were the best girl pals that I could ever ask for.

Despite the lack of experience that I had in designing - the girls wanted to include me in the company ownership contract and the four of us were gonna be the CEO's.

That was a pretty huge leap that I took , from joining as a designer to becoming the CEO , but I took it up as a challenge and wanted to prove myself to my colleagues that I could do well.

Louis , Liam and Niall considered me as their very own sister but from another mother and made sure I never felt homesick cuz I haven't been this far away from home , ever.

But Louis , most of all -made sure I wasn't upset and takes me the nearby Ice cream Parlour to calm me down. The visits became so frequent that even the fans started calling it as our 'special spot'.

Things became so fun and comfortable with the boys and the girls and I could say that I never really had those nerves that I had whenever I spoke to them.

I could easily say that they were my family here in London.

But I still found myself nervously fidgeting my fingers and looking away or at the ceiling and the floor while I talked to Harry. Not cause he made me uncomfortable or miserable.

He just had this weird but positive effect on me and it had to be cuz of the crush that I have on him ever since I knew about One Direction.

I was a Harry girl in the fandom and I couldn't help it. Okay?

I walk out of my room in a hurry after realising that I was 10 minutes late and the girls were waiting for me in the car - calling me on the phone , every 2 minutes.

I hurry down the steps after going back up to search for my phone and coming down again when I couldn't find it in my room. I remember having it during breakfast and I walk towards the kitchen stools to search for it.

"Lou" I call to him , almost sure that he had taken it. He loves playing these games with me.

"Where the hell is my phone?" I place my hands on my hip and look at him , as he lazily walks out of the kitchen with a bottle of beer in his hands.

"I dunno" he replies with sleepy eyes and sips out of the bottle as I continue to glare at him.

"Come on , bro. I know you have it. Just fucking give it to me" I scoff and cross my arms against my chest.

"Bro , I saw you sneak something inside the freezer" Harry yells from the living room and I widen my eyes ,letting out a gasp.

"Harry can you stop being so nice to her all the time. You are ruining the fun" Louis groans, opening the freezer and handing me the phone.

"Thanks, Haz" I smile at Harry and he shoots me wink , making my heart skip a beat.

Louis is right. He should stop being nice to me all the time cuz I might fall for him fast and hard.

I pinch Louis' arms and walk out of the door in a hurry , waving  to Harry along the way.


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