Chapter 47

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Warning :Not edited. It's just a filler so don't kill me if it's not interesting :(

Harry's POV :

I woke up from the  worst dream I've ever had in my life. I was quick to examine my surroundings and realised that I was in our garden -our secret place. I was relieved to find her next to me , her arms flung over my body  and her eyebrows furrowed as she woke up from her slumber.

"Are you alright, babe?" She asked me with her sweet  morning sleepy voice.

"Please tell me your still my girlfriend , baby. Please" I sat up as she mimicked my action.

"Calm down , Haz baby. God, you're sweating " she wiped the  bead of sweat sliding down my forehead , pushing my curls back with her fingers.

"Just answer me" I cupped her face with my cheek. She smiled widely and took my left hand in hers , kissing it slowly.

"I'm still yours. And you're still mine." She said , her brown eyes piercing into mine.

"I had this terrible nightmare ,babe. You said you didn't wanna be my girlfriend anymore and..."

"It's over now. Don't worry I'm right here" she pulled me into a hug as I buried my face in the crook of her neck , sighing heavily.

"Don't let me go , baby" I whispered , kissing her on the temple.

"I won't let go. I promise. I'm not letting you go" She pulled away and cupping my cheeks,  gently stroking my lips with her thumb. She leaned in for a kiss and my eyes fluttered close as the familiar feeling of warmth and the taste of  sweetness engulfed my lips.

I could keep kissing her all day . Only she can make every kiss feel new. Only she can make me feel alive. She is the one for me. And she will always be mine.

"It's almost time for lunch. Are you gonna wake up anytime soon?" Louis' voice woke me up from my sleep.

I flung my arms to the spot next to me and my heart was crushed when I found it empty. It was just a dream.

It was all a fucking dream. I was disappointed with myself and with my best friend for waking me up. But sometime or the other we have to wake up to the reality.

"What time is it?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes as he sat on the empty spot next to me.

"One in the afternoon. Come down for lunch. The girls will be leaving soon" He stood up and began to walk away.

"They haven't left yet?" I asked him.

"Nope. Don't ask me why. Cuz I dunno about that shit" he raised his hands at me.

"Okay" I nodded. Louis gave me a slight nod and walked out of the room as I pondered over the dream I had this morning. It was still so fresh in my mind and it was my only reason for my happiness this morning. But that happiness too, was short lived.

All of a sudden the door  creaked open and there she was standing frozen before me. She looked at me expectantly as if she was asking permission to enter.

"Come in , love" I nodded my head. I took in her appearance and was mesmerised as always in  her pinks shorts and her white t-shirt.

"I just wanna grab my stuff for the day and I'll be out soon" she told me. It was so awkward between us and I didn't like it at all.

"You don't have to do this , love. Just let me explain.."

"Harry please. All I've been doing is crying over you for the past three days and it hasn't stopped until today. I'm trying so hard for us to be friends and..."

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