Chapter 43

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Suzie's POV :

"Suz. What happened?" El shook me vigorously. I stood there staring at the wall which was straight ahead ,without uttering a word.

She shook me harder this time and my phone slipped out of my hand , hitting the carpeted floor. Sophia noticed me and rushed towards us , picking up the phone from the ground.

"Talk to me , love. What's wrong? " El asked me in a pleading tone. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. My throat was dry and it felt like the air was sucked out my lungs. My heart was beating somehow and I could literally feel the pain in my chest.

I said nothing but just snatched El's phone from her hand, opening the group conversation and playing the video. I turned away and looked down , as the tears filling up my eyes finally started rolling down.

"It's Harry." Sophia furrowed her brows. The girls' expression changed into a shocked one and I could sense the pitiness in their eyes when they looked at me. It could be just a kiss to some girl, but I'm not like any other girl. I was his girl.

I used to his one and only but he never thought of me that way.

"Suz. There must me some kind of mistake" Sophia placed her palm on my cheek , wiping the tears with her thumb.

"Stop crying , honey. Cameras all around ,remember?" El gripped my arms. I wiped away my tears quickly and took a quick glance around the room.

"Let's go home and sort this out" El intertwined her fingers with mine and pulled me along with her. I nodded my head and walked along with her , remaining silent throughout the entire ride home.


"Where is he?" Louis walked from left to right , his head darting towards the clock on the wall from time to time. The boys came to know about video as soon as they came home and they were pretty shocked at first to see their best mate behave this way. But it was too hard to believe for all of us so we waited for him to return.

He owes me an explanation. Everything was perfect and smooth with my boyfriend and now he's lying to me. That familar feeling of betrayal, filled up my heart and the tears started flowing again.

Louis stopped walking and sat next to me , taking my hands in his.

"Sissy. Stop crying please. I'm sure he's got something to say about this" Louis said ,rubbing my hands.

"Can he explain to me why he kissed my assistant while I'm here going crazy about him all the time? Can he explain why he took her to that horrible and disgusting champagne room? Can he ?" I asked him, my voice being melodramatic as ever.

Louis looked down at the ground and then looked at El and then he was on his feet.

"Just get home soon" I heard El speak through the phone. I have no idea what's gonna happen when he gets home but I'm pretty sure it's not gonna end well.


Harry's POV :

"Thank you" I grabbed the shopping bag in my left hand , trying to take my phone out of my pocket with the other.

I unlocked the phone and mentally cursed myself for missing that call from my girlfriend. She's never gonna be mad but still , I always wanna be there for her and make time for her calls.

My fingers were about to touch call before the girl at the counter interrupted me.

"You forgot your credit card , sir" she smiled at me. Of course she recognized me. I'm just too fucking famous.

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