Chapter 57

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Darcy's POV :

It was a total waste of time for me to come to LA  and miss three days of my job. But it was all for my family.

"Take a deep breath,Darce. He's just your father" I whispered to myself , while I walked out of the security check.

To Nialler 😍 :

Reached LA :) waiting for my sister who seems to be running late :/

Within a few minutes , my phone vibrated and I took it out to see that it was from Niall.

Nialler😍 :

Oh my poor girl :( are you waiting all alone? Do want me to book an Uber for you , babe ?

I smiled widely at that cute text he sent me and looked up to see my sister walking towards me.

She wore denim shorts that ended at her mid thigh and a black tank top along with brown shades. She looked hot as usual and I did notice some guys checking her out. If only Harry was here.

To Nialler 😍 :

She's here 🙂 I'll be alright  (: Love u 😚

"Can you stop being hot all the time?" I said , when she approached me.

"Is that the first thing you say when you see your sister after three days?" She asked me.

"Oh , it's just three days" I waved her off , "What's up with you? I know about the Dad thing and all but you seem awfully upset right now" I asked, suspiciously.

"Well he wanted to see his younger daughter. So he came" she said blankly, rolling her eyes.

"What? Here? Where is he?" I breathed out nervously , searching for him.

"Outside. Waiting in the car" she muttered, as she started walking towards the exit and  I followed her.

"Suz , seriously. Can't you even try to forgive him? He threw your card and ignored your party banner. Big deal. Your designs are on magazines world wide now and you're a freaking model. I think you're getting all  that appreciation now" I snap at her.

"It was never about the appreciation, Darce" she stopped walking and turned towards me ," He never loved us. He..." she paused , squeezing her eyes shut," Just let it go. You don't know what actually happened that night" she turned around and started walking again.

"What do you mean? Mom told us. She told us everything" I ran behind her. Boy, she was fast.

"Just shut up now , will ya? Let's not discuss anything in front of him" she muttered , when we reached the car park.

And there was my Dad. His features were pretty much the same , except a few greys on his hair and his face was slightly wrinkled.

I was unsure about what to do when he sees me. Should I hug him? Should I cry because I'm seeing my father after all these years? Or should I be mad at him for leaving us in misery?

He looked at me and a huge smile crept across his face. He walked up to me and pulled me into a hug and after a bit of hesitation , I welcomed it.

"I'm really sorry for everything, Darcy" he said , in a low voice.

"It's alright, Dad" I smiled at him , smiling even wider when I realised that I wasn't confused anymore. He was my Dad. He deserves my love and he deserves a second chance.

"Can we leave now?" Suzie asked me , as she stood there with her arms crossed in front of her.

"Yes , honey" my dad answers.

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