Chapter 30

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Harry's POV :

"Where's my sister?" Darcy asked me , smirking.

"Um...she's tired. She's still asleep" I told her , trying not to make eye contact.

I'm not admitting that we made love last night which made her sore -again. It's not my fault that Rosie is so damn weak.

"Did you..."

"Ewww. Darce. Stop it. Don't you dare finish that sentence" Lara cut her off, with a disgusted look on her face.

"But we really need to talk to her. It's about the house. I'm gonna wake her up" Darcy said , getting up from the couch and Lara did the same.

"What about it?" Rosie asked, getting down the stairs.

"We don't need it" Lara said blankly , crossing her arms against her chest.

"I knew this would happen" Rosie sighed, "It was so stupid of me to sign the damn house papers" she  said , getting closer to me.

"Morning, babe" she pecked me on the lips and quickly got back to the conversation.

"Where are you gonna live , Lara? The uni is pretty far from here" Rosie asked Lara.

"Dorm rooms. I'll visit you from time to time" She replied casually.

"Okay" Rosie replied with an impressed look on her face.

"Darce?" She turned her attention towards Darcy.

Suzie's POV :

"Darce?" I turned towards Darcy , waiting for  her reply.

"About that , sista" she smiled sheepishly , pulling my hands and dragging me to the couch.

Harry left the living room and walked inside the kitchen - probably to get his morning coffee.

Lara sat on the couch , typing on her phone.

"What is it?" I'm worried now. What the hell happened?

"I'm staying with Niall" she whispered and I barely heard it.

"You already know that I'm his girlfriend, right?" She looked at me expectantly.

"Nooo" I replied , my eyes widening. She never told me that.

"Well it happened last Friday. I wanted to tell you but you weren't home yesterday. And he asked me to stay....soooo I said yes" she explained.

"Wow" was all that I managed to say. All of this happened so fast.

"So..." she dragged, "What are you gonna do with the house?" She asked me.

"I'll sort it out" I said , unlocking my phone  and dialling the realtor's number.

"Wow. You got a new phone" Lara exclaimed, when I placed the phone on my ear.

"Yeah. Haz got it for me" I smiled and Harry walked out of the kitchen , grinning widely.

"Good for you ,sista"Darcy patted me on the shoulders.

"Hey. This is Susanna David" I spoke through the phone.

"Yes. Are you calling about the house , miss?" She asked me.

"Yeah. About the house. I'm backing out.Sorry about that" I told the realtor.

"You'll have to pay to get out of the contract" she told me and I sighed.

"How much?" I asked her.

Well it was my fault. Might as well pay the damn money after all.


"Hey,  Your busy?" Darcy asked slowly opening my room door.

"Kinda." I said squinting my eyes on the sketch in front of me.

It was almost close to 1 A.M and I'm still working on the designs for the deal tomorrow.

"What are you guys doing here? It's pretty late" I asked my sisters.

"Couldn't sleep." Lara shrugged.

"Where's Harry?" Darcy asked me.

"He just left out to get some icecream for me. I didn't want him to go at this hour but he insisted so..." I replied.

That boy is pretty stubborn.But he's the sweetest boyfriend ever.

"Aweee..That's soo" Darcy exclaimed.

"Okay okay" I cut her off , "What's going on? You wanna say something? You guys never usually come to my room" I asked them , shading my sketches.

"We're sorry" Darcy said , biting her bottom lip.

"For what?" I have no idea what these girls are talking about.

"The house. Harry told us that you payed a huge sum to get out of the deal" Lara explained.

"Money is not a problem right now. I'm rich now remember?" I smirked. I'm not bragging or anything but to be honest, I am rich.

"But still. You bought that house for us. We feel bad for rejecting it" Darcy frowned.

"Girl's come on" I stopped with my work and turned towards them, "It's no big deal. Lara couldn't have stayed there and you obviously can't live alone" I said, pointing at Darcy.

"Now come here both of you. I'm not upset" I said pulling them into a hug.

I hugged them tightly and planted a kiss on their cheeks as Darcy giggled.

"Oh. Sisters are bonding I see" I heard Harry say.

The three of us pulled away and I smiled at Harry who had returned with the ice cream.

"Strawberry for you , Milady" He placed the cup on my hands as I giggled at his choice of words.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you girls would be coming" Harry said looking at Darcy and Lara.

"It's no big deal , baby. I'll share mine" I told him, handing the cup to Lara.

"You can take mine too" he smiled, digging his spoon inside his ice cream.

I completely forgot about my sketches as I enjoyed the moment with the one's Ioved the most.

My sisters, Harry and I stayed up all night talking about random stuff until my sisters left around 4 A.M.

I finally feel asleep in his arms thinking about how perfect my life with Harry was.

It's not supposed be like this. Something has to go wrong. That is what life is all about. Isn't it?

There's no need for something to go wrong.  Why would  I think about something like that?  I told myself , pushing the ridiculous thoughts out of my head.


Lots of sibling love in this chap ;)

Darcy and Niall are dating now ;)
Finally Niall found someone better than Lauren !!!
#Narcy 😍

And Suzie is having bad instincts about her relationship with Harry !!!!!

Could those instincts be true ???

Idk...let's see...

And I'll be posting a chapter about the Sophiam wedding soon !!!

Vote, Comment and share :*

Ly ;)

~Hazzysgirl ♡♡

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