May the fourth be with you

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Surprise. You guys didn't really think I'd leave you all without the next chapter for May the fourth? Well, without further add let us begin with my May the 4th surprise.
It was a normal day back on the ghost. Well sorta. It had been a two months since Morgana had turned 14 and a month since she lost a leg. So basically this was the most weird day she had in a while. Yet, not as weird as Ahsoka bribing Hera to let her go with them on a mission. Did it work? No. Well, at least it didn't seem to. Until actually an hour ago when the boy's and her found Ahsoka sneaking into a ship. Then she refused to back down from her mission to get some codes. Which was why they were certainly sitting in a ship that was flying to who knows where to look after their adopted mother's pregnant best friend.
"Rex is gonna kick my ass." Kyle groaned realizing who wasn't on this mission. Morgana nodded her head.
"Unless Amelie gets to you first." She whispered in her friend's ear. Wait a second. Didn't her tell his sister where they were going? Kyle sighed. Probably not. It would make today even better. This had been a bad day for Kyle all day so far. In fact it was probably going to get worse. He already walked into a wall, tripped over Chopper, choked on air, gave him self a paper cut on his knuckle which hurt like hell, almost shot him self with Rex's gun by accident some how, lost his lightsaber for ten minutes and tripped while climbing up a ladder. Now things seemed to be going from bad to even worse. The only thing that could make today worse was if he got shot. Or they got attacked by assassin droids. Or titans. Knowing his luck they were probably gonna get attacked by titans.
"We're here." Ahsoka stated pointing at an old space station floating in the middle of now where. Gaylin looked at Ahsoka.
"The information is in there?" He asked.
"Yup." She smiled.
"Okay, how'd it get in the station then?" He asked.
"The empire abandoned this base three weeks ago."
"Wait, why did they abandon it?"
"Beats me."
"So let me get this straight. You took a mission you know nothing about that could possibly get you killed just to get away from Rex smothering you?"
"Yup but, in my defence if he didn't stop smothering me, I was either going to kill him or divorce him. So technically I did this to save my marriage."
Gaylin face palmed as the ship entered the station. It was actually pretty bright in there. In fact the station still had some lights on. As for the inside of the grey walled ship, nothing was there. Well nothing other than empty crates which used to be filled with weapons. Where they went, no one knew. Though they weren't sticking around to find out. They were going to be in and out. That was the plan. This time they were going to stick to the plan.
"Wow. You can hear your voice echo." Morgana smiled as they left the ship. Her voice echoed loudly threw the empty station as everyone began walking further into the ship. It made everything a little more nerve racking in a way. Kyle dragged his distracted friend after the group. Little did they know large black assassin droid had heard them. They were now being searched for by one of the most deadly droids that they would have ever meet.
Soon the group had stopped outside a large black room for Ahsoka who had to stop.
"I'm fine." Ahsoka repeated.
"Are you sure because we can go back to the ship." Ezra stated
"I'm fine. Besides I'm 95% sure the codes are in that room." She stated as she stood back up. With that Gaylin used the force to open the door. As you could have guessed the codes were in the desk. Which was the only thing in the room that wasn't completely trashed or had shot marks on it. Everything else in the room made it look like it had been ransacked.
"Is it just me or does this just scream trap?" Morgana asked pointing at the desk. In fact it was so obvious that it was a trap that Gaylin had turned his lightsaber on prepared for anything that might attack them. Was it a trap? They were probably gonna find out in a minute.
"Well, even if it is who's gonna go grab the chip? The Rebellion needs that more than anything right now." Ahsoka stated. Everyone looked at each other. Who would be dumb enough to go grab it? Then it hit them. Ezra.
"No. I am not getting it. I may be a bit stupid but, I'm not that stupid." Ezra stated pointing at the codes that were still sitting on the desk.
"Then I nominated my self." Morgana stated stepping into the room.
"No. Morgana get over here." Gaylin told his little sister. Did she listen? Hell no. Instead ever so slowly she got closer and closer to the codes. Her heart may have been racing but, the Rebellion needed these codes badly.
"Morgana get over here!" Gaylin repeated. Morgana looked at her brothers and friends once. Then she reached out to grab the chip.
"Morgana Polaris Merick don't make me come over there and drag you!" Morgana just rolled her eyes as she grabbed the computer chip. Everyone's heart stopped for a moment. Yet, nothing happened. With a happy smile Morgana spun back around with a grin on her face. Only to jump with everybody else as the desk made a loud snapping noise before a large piece of the desk fell onto the floor.
"Nothing bad happened?" Kyle asked almost unsure about what had just happened. Everyone seemed to grin. Finally things were going their way. Morgana ran over to the group.
"Yeah. I guess. Now, let's not test our chances for any longer than what we have too. Let's go." Gaylin stated. He knew how this worked. Things always went their way before their plans were thrown into the air because of something they didn't plan for. That wasn't happening today. Not if he had anything to say about it. With that the group began to walk back to the ship.
"That was weird. Things worked out for us." Morgana stated as they began walking down the hallway. Kyle looked at her.
"Yeah. Who knows maybe things are finally gonna work out for us. No more being kidnapped by a crazy sith for me. Or having my friends limbs cut off by a lightsaber. Or my master dying." Kyle smiled at her. The Ahsoka stopped for a moment. She felt weird. Not like dizzy weird or nervous weird. Like a large pain going threw her body all at once pain. She began to pant a bit as she clenched her fist.
"Ahsoka you okay?" Ezra asked making everyone stop. As soon as they asked the pain stopped. Everyone looked a little nervous except for Ahsoka.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Ahsoka smiled taking the lead. It was probably nothing. With a shrug from Kyle everyone continued walking behind Ahsoka. Yet, Gaylin seemed to be walking closer to a Ahsoka in a protective kind of way. Almost as if he knew something was happening. Yet, he wasn't 100% sure about it.
A couple moments later they had reached the end of the hallway. In that course of that time that pain Ahsoka had felt almost forty five minutes ago had happened over fifteen times but, she kept walking like nothing had happened. Meanwhile Morgana had stopped so many times. Why? She thought she heard something.
"Your just on edge because you just took something from thing you just did." Kyle stated as they reached the exit of the hallway.
"No. I swear I just heard something." Morgana stated turning back around. The second she did Ezra dugout a flash light he took from the ship. The second she back turned around he turned the flash light on and held it to his face.
"I have come to eat you soul." He joked reaching out to touch his sister. Morgana laughed a bit as she tried to smack his hand away. Yet, this stopped the second Ezra saw it. An assassin droid as dark as the hallway. It was holding a gun right at them. His face went as pale as possible.
   Just as Morgana went to ask what was wrong, the droid began shooting. Gaylin quickly pushed Ahsoka out of the hallway first to safety. Everyone quickly ran behind the hallway door as the droids began shooting like mad. Gaylin quickly turned on his lightsaber and charged at the droid as he made everyone else run out of the hallway. He cut it's head off within seconds. Yet, the second he looked up from the droids broken body his gaze fell on the three other red eyed, black assassin droids were coming their way.
"CLOSE THE DOOR!" Gaylin screamed getting back up. Morgana did as what she was told while Gaylin ran toward the door. The second he got threw it the door it closed. With a smile Ezra raised his hand to his brother. With a sigh Gaylin gave him a high five. Then the all began to walk as fast as possible back to the ship. Except for Ahsoka. She had stopped a foot away from the ship. The pain had just gotten threw her body again but, when it had stopped she felt weird. In fact she still felt weird. The only one who noticed anything wrong was Morgana. She looked at Ahsoka.
"Ahsoka are you sure you're okay?" Morgana asked. This caused the boy's to look at Ahsoka. She nodded her head.
"Yeah, it's just the baby's kicking hard." Ahsoka lied. Yet, the second it left her mouth Ahsoka felt something wet go on her skirt. She looked down like everyone else. Her water had broke. Okay, no big deal. All she had to do was not freak out. Well, the boy's didn't do that. Instead three high pitched girlish screams left their mouths. Morgana on the other hand was silently freaking out.
"Oh god." Was all Morgana was able to say to try and calm her self down.
"C-c-can't you just hold it in until there's a chance we're not getting killed?" Ezra asked hopefully.
"NO SHE CAN'T HOLD IT IN!" Gaylin screamed trying to smack his brother. Just then they were shot at again by four assassin droids on the other side of the room. Almost as if by instinct Morgana dug out the gun Hera had gotten her after she lost her leg. She shot each of the droids in the head as if she was a solider. As all the droids fell to the floor everyone began freaking out more. Morgana grabbed onto Ahsoka's arm and dragged her towards the ship. This was going to be a long day now, wasn't it? The boy's follow the girl's to the ship only to get shot at again.
"Kill all the droids first so we can leave." Morgana stated calmly at the boys. They just looked at her and did what they were told. Which took about five minutes. In that time Morgana was stuck trying to clam down Ahsoka and trying to find a med centre using the ships logs and what little technology that was on the ship. The second the boy's came in the ship the door closed. Kyle looked at his best friend who was at the pilot's seat.
"M, do you know how to fly a ship?" He asked as the ship began to rise.
"Sorta." She stated. Everyone looked at her.
"What do you mean sorta?" Ezra asked.
"Well, Hera gave me a lesson a while ago. I know how to take off, turn, jump to hyper space, make sharp turns and how fast to drive." She smiled.
"So what didn't you learn?" Gaylin asked his sister getting nervous.
"How to land."
"Oh dear god. You're gonna kill us all." Kyle stated breathlessly.
"Oh come on. How hard can it be?"
"Really hard. M let me drive." Gaylin stated reaching to grab the steering wheel. Morgana upon seeing this turned the ship gently to the right causing Gaylin and the boy's to fall into one of the chair onto the other side of the ship.
"Trust me. I'm pretty sure I can land it. Plus I need someone to call Rex and sit with Ahsoka so, you guys are gonna have to do that." She smiled. The boy's sighed. This was how they were going to die wasn't it.
~time skip~
Morgana was sitting with the boy's outside the Ahsoka's room with Hera. The little crew Ahsoka went to the mission with were sweating like mad.
"I should be mad, I should yell but, I'm just thankful someone went with her and made sure she was fine." Hera sighed looking at the kids. Amelie on the other just stormed up to her brother.
"When Rex comes out here you are so grounded young man, that coffee will envy you." Amelie warned him before sitting down next to them. She motioned for Hera to leave them alone.
"I wanna talk with them, you talk with your fiancé. Make babies with him or what ever you two do while everyone else is on a mission or buying baby gifts for you guys." Amelie stated. A red faced mad Hera left her alone with the kids.
"Oh my god. My day's been so boring. I'm kinda jealous of you guys. Tell me everything. "She smiled. With a grin Ezra, Kyle and Gaylin told her about everything from the codes the had gotten to the assassin droids. Meanwhile Morgana was stuck being silent like always humming a little tune waiting for the moment when she'd finally be able to talk about her day. Which was probably going to be tonight when Sabine asked about her day. Or after the boy's left. That's when she talked about her day without anyone talking over her. After all her side of the story was never important was it.
"You can come in and seeing the baby now if you'd like." Hera stated walking over to thematic hour later after the baby was born. With a smile everyone got up and basically ran to Ahsoka's hospital room to see the new baby. The second they entered the room the group of teens were greeted by Ahsoka and the little bundle of blankets in her arms.
"Hi guys. I have someone I'd like you all to meet while Rex is out." Ahsoka smiled motioning for everyone to get closer. Everyone walked over to the woman with her baby in her arms. Except for Morgana. Instead she stood behind them looking completely nervous. With a single gulp she moved forward. In Ahsoka's was a tiny orange Togruta with the largest eye lashes and the most beautiful light blue eyes Morgana had ever seen. The baby reached out towards Morgana as it began laughing.
"This is my little boy, Echo Fives Tano. Say hi Echo." She stated waving at the group of teens. With a grin everyone's waved at the laughing baby boy.
~time skip~
"Morgana!" Theo screamed hugging her girlfriend as tightly as possible. Morgana hugged her back.
"I missed you." Morgana whispered in her ear. Theo blushed a bit as she began giggling. Then she let go of her girlfriend and held her hand instead. She began looking around.
"So what did you want to show me?" Theo asked. Morgana pointed to a tiny baby boy laying fast asleep in one of the baskets behind the window in front of the two of them. Theo's heart melted seeing the little tiny Togruta smile in his sleep.
"This is Echo Fives Tano, Ahsoka's baby. Isn't he the sweetest?" Morgana asked.
"Awwwe. He is." Theo smiled.
"Ugh. I've seen even more cuties that were this age then you did." Sin whispered as the necklace around Morgana's neck was let go out of Morgana's grip.
"You know one day I'd like one of those." Theo whispered in Morgana's ear. Morgana's face turned completely red.
"How soon do you want one?" Morgana asked.
Surprise. Happy May the fourth/ Star Wars day. Hope you all had an amazing day like I did at school. Well, hopefully it was even better than mine.

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